Nice write up!
About Asus boards:
When I searched for recommendations about overclocking/undervolting and memory tuning for my 7600X + B650 build, I've found a lot of reports about Asus boards pushing the SOC voltage (memory controller afaik) quite a bit too high on auto, especially if loading an Expo/xmp profile.
They fixed it with a Bios update within a few weeks/months. With 0804 or so.
On their site for the B650-A gaming wifi board, I can find 0613 from 2022/09/29 and 08009 from 2022/10/25.
These was, apparently, the crucial bios updating time and it were only 4 weeks for quite a few iterations.
Buildzoid however probably killed his 7950X due to this. He didn't check that voltage while pushing his RAM