Sorry for the late reply.i was bought dowel pin od10x30mm and od8x30mm . I tried both and od8x30mm is better slide than od 10 if u use micro switch housing, But od8 used m5 20mm bolts but still strong. Btw, tell me what best spring for this shifter? i wanna try 0,6 x od 6mm x L 20mm spring.
But something doesn't sound good. The space between the two bolts, that makes the gates slots is made to fit a od 10mm. If the dowel pin doesn't fit in it, there is only two possibilities:
1- the od of the dowel isn't really 10mm, but bigger.
2-the space between the bolts is smaller than 10mm. And this can be a problem of the printed part. You should assure that your printer can print with the correct dimensions
2.1 - Correct E-Steps
2.2 - Correct settings on the slicer for the used nozzle.
My printer is well calibrated and my slicer settings too, and i have no tolerance problems. I'm surprised with your results.