Thanks for replying to my review, I should of asked in this thread to begin with; how do you make the tracks show up in the menu? I can replace a track with another but not add a new one
the files you need to edit for adding new tracks are :
DB_Tracks.bml -> mostly menu stuff like trackname, icon, pictures, tracklenght etc.
DB_GameEntityTracks.bml -> connection between DB_Tracks and GfxGem_Tracks
DB_Weekends.bml -> defines the Track and Weather combinations etc.
DB_WeekendSets.bml -> defines Weekends + Laps availible for each class
GfxGem_Tracks.bml -> which 3dmodel, cameras, race-line and stuff game should use
+ the complete folder for the track inside unpacked data.mix -> DATA\TRACKS\<trackname>
at least that is the basic stuff ... you will also need to edit
DB_Idealtracktimes.bml -> imaginary qualifying / laptimes the AI won't drive anyway
DB_Idealsettings.bml -> needed to make bikes use raintyres in the wet^^
and maybe DB_Minimumtimes.bml -> does things ?
if you want to have tracknames show up from other games, Dictionarieslist.bml needs a new entry to point to new ZTS(xml)-file.
sometimes you can just copy the entries from other game 1:1 into the MGP17 bml-files - others need a bit of manual rework.