Have Your Say: To Pre Order or Not Pre Order, That is the Question!

I pre-ordered pC2 buying into the beta as soon as it came on offer and 110% glad I did as I have enjoyed playing it for the last 3 months or so. I pre-ordered Codies F1 title once but never again.
hahaha the name codemasters is coming back and back again in this topic and i bet the new f1 game will be shite aswell
Did pre-order Project Cars. Biggest mistake of my Sim Life.
So I won't pre-order again, I'll wait for some previews or a demo and then i'll deside "to buy or not to buy"
I never had any issues from CDKeys and have purchase from them all the time. I use Paypal so it might be different for you. I live in the USA and this version from CDKeys is for worldwide...See here

Check this for other online seller options.:


CD keys is incredible. I've found games on release day there for £20 cheaper than on steam, or any other e-tailer. You just get e-mailed or a key clicky link, copy and paste that into steam, click download / instal, go and make a cuppa, and then enjoy whatever you've just saved yourself a fortune on.