PC2 Have Your Say: Project CARS 2 Three Months On

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Paul Jeffrey

Project CARS 2 Have  Your Say.jpg

Project CARS 2 released across PC and console platforms back on the 22nd September to mixed reviews, now three months and a couple of patches we want you to 'Have Your Say'...

The latest racing title from Slightly Mad Studios continues to divide opinion throughout the sim racing community, often mixing the sublime with the ridiculous in equal measure as it constantly strives to achieve the lofty ideals set forth by an aggressive pre release marketing campaign.

Shipping in a sub optimal state and having since been in receipt of a sizable updates, the question for today is:

How do you feel Project CARS 2 has progressed since release day, and what are your impressions of the game now?

Have fun, stay respectful and enjoy the weekend!
The SMS know perfectly what are the problems of the game, since the testers pointed each one of them inside the wmd forum, for both the pCars games.
During the development of the first title we had a gamepad thread inside the forum with hundreds of pages, 2/3 of which describing the problem that lately the game showed at the release. They didn't do anything, despite the fact that a solution was possible and very simple. With the second game happened pretty much the same thing: some of the testers pointed a problem, suggested a solution, asked for an option in the options menu, but never happened. Both the times in my opinion the devs underestimated the fact that the few persons that inside the wmd can complain about something are still representative of a bigger percentage when one thinks at the overall players that later will play the game. The current system isn't so bad, but could be definitely better in my opinion, giving to the guys that ask a certain option that feature.
By the way, back when pCars 1 started there was a GTR2 like control system and also the ability to configure the pad like a custom wheel, calibrating the steering angle. And the devs decided to get rid of this. After all these years I don't have more hopes, I give up. I have better games.

exactly. thank you
It seems that your life was ruined by pCars :rolleyes:

Look for help... medical help...

Really? I got PCars 1 for £20 1 week after release and put over 600 hours into it and enjoyed it.
And I just got PCars 2 for £26 with season pass for £17.99......
Quite happy with that. Hardly ruined my life has it? You on crack?
It's far from perfect as you lot seem to think though, the Cult of Bell.
But i'll play it along side all the other sims I have.

It seems you aren't allowed o like anything but PCars 2 over on official forum...not even allowed to say you liked PCars 1 anymore as apparently PCars 2 is SO SO much better......
Its really not, PCars 2 took in places a few steps back from PCars 1...

Won't be too much longer till you lot will be telling us PCars 3 will be perfect.......
This sums it up for me, some race driver simply offers HIS opinion on PCars 2 and a thread pops up on the forum and Ian Bell wades in and this guy get utterly mullered by the attack dogs and they try to silence his opinions.......
This like this really leave a sour taste and Ian Bell is very clearly a nasty piece of work.

I still get issues and bugs, also in the patch notes it said "the g29/g920 autorotation bug has been fixed".........no it hasent. I tested it out, and it still dosent autolock to the cars steering rotation in game to be 1 to 1.
I still get issues and bugs, also in the patch notes it said "the g29/g920 autorotation bug has been fixed".........no it hasent. I tested it out, and it still dosent autolock to the cars steering rotation in game to be 1 to 1.

See...customer...not a 'hater'.....customer.....seems SMS care not for customers and only WMD <SNIP>
Mod: don't feed the trolls... please.
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Wow ..I kind of feel a ltl disturbed with all the hate here in the RD world for a piece of software that sells in the market place along side all the others .. & displays pixels for entertainment .. :cool: its pety cash to ..I mean realy 60 bucks ? .. I bought the full monti on day one and have gotten my moneys worth easy .. hell if I take the GF out its buck-fifty' easy ..& I probably wont even get layed ! :D but I come home & fire up the game and its all good ..lol

For me the game is fantastic ..

Like it or not It has changed the eb & flow of the sim world .

Is it some people are so obsessed that any change puts them on the war path .. it's crazy man ...lol

I'm a simmer ,im not that fast ,im consistant and thoroughly enjoy sim racing been well over 10 years now ,flight sims b4 that ..

Im one of the admins at SRO & I personally have 4 championships going on right now that I'm competing in so I race every firkin day .. :roflmao:
1. AC Seat leon ..love it ..
2. rf2 $Honey Jar$ with F1 79'mod .. love it (everyone throws in 5.00 & top 10 of the champ split the$)
3. rf2 US200 ...love it ...
4. Pc2 GT3 ... love it ....

I mean we just did a PC2 gt3 race at Donington in wet/dry/wet conditions .. it was fantastic fun .. the track was immersive with wet shimmering turning to dry line ,you could feel the session breath as we went on for 45 min of this wet/ dry wet cycle .. it was truly amazing .. & ran smooth and no issues ..hmmm??
I don't see any of this "Rubbish" crap I keep reading here ... sad ... .. The game plays extremely good for me , & well us ... it has les stutter than rf2 .. better looking that all of them & I don't fight the under steer i do with AC , for me the FFB (changed from jack spades back using what the game offers after 3.0:geek:) and to me I feel every bit as much of what im striving for in the game as far as driving the car on the limit as I do in AC or fr2 .. who, I might add also have some bad history in the early days of there releases:cry: , One thing in common they are all games , meant to be played for entertainment ,we as a race have become addicted to this virtual entertainment and will pay big $$$ to get it $$$ .. now it seems its caused war like effects in the communities ..lol wtf throw us a rope !

so seriously all the haters ... seriously ! .... have a look at your selves .. is it really worth that much hate ?
Some peoples kids .... :p
I bought it with the season pass during the Black Friday sale and have already logged 2.5x the hours I had with pCARS 1, so I consider that a success since pCARS 1 was so awful.

Positive experiences for me
  • Long Beach, hell yeah!
  • '69 Camaro
  • Panoz - now THAT's a sound track!
  • GT3, Group C, Sports Racers, etc., though it seems every class has one dud or ringer in it
  • immersive environment: fog, rain, night, sunset, sunrise
  • online safety rating, if you can't get a D in a handful of races, then you really are unsafe at any speed
  • AI won't run into you when you're stopped on track
  • AI no longer pile up at chicanes
  • AI obey blue flag; well, at least as well as the average player, LOL
Negative experiences for me
  • a number of tracks that are noticeably inaccurate in some way that's distracting, like an extra pit wall at Daytona... SMS licensed the names, so why can't they get simple details right?!?
  • AI will run you over if you don't accelerate coming out of the pits
  • AI run in single file once they survive the first lap, aren't racing the player or each other
  • AI still routinely cut some corners, especially on the first lap
  • online competition rating, which appears to be a race to the bottom except for a very few talented individuals
  • a bunch of niggly bugs
  • no yellow flags, but a bunch of silly rules for safety rating, more than are needed to "be a clean driver"
So... I uninstalled pCARS 1 (with only 11 hours of play in 2 years) because every reason I still had it on the disk is now served by pCARS 2 and I'm actually enjoying pCARS 2.
What you are doing with PCars 2 and RF2, is like comparing Call of Duty to Insurgency..........
Lets talk about PCars 2 without pointing to other games as a distraction.
Also i judge PCars 2 as a AAA title and also based on all the marketing crap they pump out. Its easy to be left feeling a little sour....
call of duty is bettegamw, selling more copies, havinh more content, and to few purist its considered piece of crap and they broadcast their hate all over internet
This sums it up for me, some race driver simply offers HIS opinion on PCars 2 and a thread pops up on the forum and Ian Bell wades in and this guy get utterly mullered by the attack dogs and they try to silence his opinions.......
This like this really leave a sour taste and Ian Bell is very clearly a nasty piece of work.

Hold on a second. I merely pointed out that we'd laser scanned Nordschleife, and proved it. If that makes me a nasty piece of work so be it. I even went as far to say he's entitled to his opinion on our handling...
Hold on a second. I merely pointed out that we'd laser scanned Nordschleife, and proved it. If that makes me a nasty piece of work so be it. I even went as far to say he's entitled to his opinion on our handling...

Well your attack dogs have basically gone at him and I saw a lot of animosity from you towards him on your forum.
Anyway well done on the PRC thing...i think a lawsuit was on its way to you over that blog. Killing it off was wise.
pffff....... i bought under false Advertisement. SMS didn't inform the buyers that certain simulation features would be turned off under use of a pad. BUT it says clearly on steam page that it works under simulation, arcade, and everything in between with every approved device you might be using.

"i'm a metal head so guess what, anything not metal is the worst"

Look, you have a valid complaint. I fully understand that, you just get caught up with the toxic tossers. As a wheel user and very happy with it I knew there were issues with a pad and I'm surprised they weren't resolved. I've been narked off by a shed load of games and I just move on. Thing is I understand devs have a limited time and budget and can only get so much done and HAVE to prioritise.

Personally I'm narked off scripted weather (albeit with some randomisation) is back. I mention it a few times politely where and when I can, but I don't create threads saying "SMS suck" like some people do (not aimed at you). This is the bull **** SMS have had to put up with and it's wearing thin. I'm also not a big fan of the typical business model of moving on to a new game, but I understand how business works and it's the model SMS have chosen (and it fit's MUCH better with the consoles).

I'm gutted the new BF2 has a pathetically small single player campaign after the backlash of BF having nothing. I hate MP centric games that crap on things I love (huge SW fan). I love the graphics and sounds of BF and how it immersed me.....then I saw a spinny floating icon and all immersion was instantly destroyed and then I have "cards" I mean wtf?.....but I don't moan on the forums I just buy the game in sale at a price point I'm prepared to pay. As consumers the best way to do things is to vote with our wallets.

TLDR...it's a fecking game people, stop getting your knickers in a twist!!
Why calling people haters? Don't you have favorite games that have features or characteristics so well done that make you love that particular game over all the other games of the same genre?
I don't hate pCars at all, I joined the wmd 1 and 2, I like the developers. But there are some things that make me prefer other games to it. What I really dislike is that the devs didn't seem to take in really big consideration some concerns expressed by the testers. I came to the conlusion that for certain aspects they have their own agenda: meaning that they want to do certain things in the way they decided, no matter what, no matter the feedbacks that ask for something different. When it's like that, the developer has to take in account that when the game will be released those same people will still be unhappy with the final result (if not more, because they will end up thinking that the devs don't give a fu-k). And in this case the devs can't be disappointed or complain when these players will make some complaint. In my opinion they can just take note.
What the people that use the word "hater" are missing is that a particular defect that for them can be barely noticeable, for some others can be instead a big deal. The videogame players should know this better. If I find a defect that prevents me to enjoy a crucial aspect of the game or that causes me some frustration, the other qualities of the game will move in the brackground, inevitably.
Really? I got PCars 1 for £20 1 week after release and put over 600 hours into it and enjoyed it.
And I just got PCars 2 for £26 with season pass for £17.99......
Quite happy with that. Hardly ruined my life has it? You on crack?
It's far from perfect as you lot seem to think though, the Cult of Bell.
But i'll play it along side all the other sims I have.

It seems you aren't allowed o like anything but PCars 2 over on official forum...not even allowed to say you liked PCars 1 anymore as apparently PCars 2 is SO SO much better......
Its really not, PCars 2 took in places a few steps back from PCars 1...

Won't be too much longer till you lot will be telling us PCars 3 will be perfect.......

frucks sakes man stop the "cult" crap.....makes you out to be a complete fool.

And just what the hell do you expect from the "official" forum? People get same treatment on ACs official forum yet that game is apparently "perfect"!!

You need a chill pill.
Why calling people haters? Don't you have favorite games that have features or characteristics so well done that make you love that particular game over all the other games of the same genre?
I don't hate pCars at all, I joined the wmd 1 and 2, I like the developers. But there are some things that make me prefer other games to it. What I really dislike is that the devs didn't seem to take in really big consideration some concerns expressed by the testers. I came to the conlusion that for certain aspects they have their own agenda: meaning that they want to do certain things in the way they decided, no matter what, no matter the feedbacks that ask for something different. When it's like that, the developer has to take in account that when the game will be released those same people will still be unhappy with the final result (if not more, because they will end up thinking that the devs don't give a fu-k). And in this case the devs can't be disappointed or complain when these players will make some complaint. In my opinion they can just take note.
What the people that use the word "hater" are missing is that a particular defect that for them can be barely noticeable, for some others can be instead a big deal. The videogame players should know this better. If I find a defect that prevents me to enjoy a crucial aspect of the game or that causes me some frustration, the other qualities of the game will move in the brackground, inevitably.

"Haters" are those who go on and on and on and on and on and on about it, instead of just moving on.

Constructive criticism is fine and there's PLENTY of that on the official forums, but the thing that highlights a "hater" is when they say you can't criticise the game which is completely and UTTERLY untrue, they also slag of and insult the intelligence of anyone enjoying the game for what it is, and they slag of and insult the devs......anyone doing that (and there's a LOT of them here) is a hater.

hey peugeot905. what exactly is wrong with what I said, it's all 100% true.
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This sums it up for me, some race driver simply offers HIS opinion on PCars 2 and a thread pops up on the forum and Ian Bell wades in and this guy get utterly mullered by the attack dogs and they try to silence his opinions.......
This like this really leave a sour taste and Ian Bell is very clearly a nasty piece of work.

Completely unrelated to this thread or any shared opinions around the topic:
Thanks for sharing this youtube link.
I didn't know Jan Seyffarth's channel and look forward to some of his videos related to sim racing and his opinion on the different options we have, thanks for sharing!

Aren't the times we live in with sim racing great? I love that we have a few major choices in high quality simulators and can pick and choose each for the right purpose.

Can't stand the buggy state Project Cars 2 is in? Get your GT3 racing fix with Assetto Corsa, Raceroom, rFactor 2 or iRacing.

Want most beautiful graphics with moments as Sunrise in a light rain on Sunday morning at the Circuit de la Sarthe, driving a Group C Porsche 962? Go get your fix in Project Cars 2!

Wan't to race 1992 DTM racers around a great quality Nordschleife? Go Raceroom!

I have pre purchased a complete Steam package at full price.
It was on release date not possible to get it to run properly (major issues with flickering textures with triple screen and multi AMD GPUs + even on absolute lowest graphics settings it would run at absolute abysmal FPS and would look horrible compared to all other major racing sims).
I waited for fixes and as of today many issues I had have been fixed. But also many issues are still ruining a good experience.

Ignoring the obvious bugs still existing, one can clearly see that the core of the software does have great potential. When all bugs are solved PC2 can be an enjoyable package.

My personal impression is though when looking at all aspects of the software that SMS clearly have taken on more than they can chew and had to deliver to a tight deadline an unquestionably premature product NOT ready for release.
The all out superlative marketing and almost exclusively positive review of bloggers and journalists in combination with comments of racing drivers and people involved in the development have been VERY misleading (in hindsight this may have taught all of use something about their credibility and misleading marketing in general - I have taken my lessons there).
I was let down by PC1 and have found myself lured by false superlative statements prior to release into pre ordering PC2. I strongly regret that I have pre purchased PC2. Ideally I would have resisted the sweet marketing calls and simply would have waited until the product would be in a solid condition with all major bugs ironed out.

If one looks at PC2 for what it is (and simply blinds out what one hoped it would be and simply isn't - a SIMULATOR of the same or higher degree of realism compared to the current major racing simulators which it simply is not and probably never meant to be by it's core designers) then one will find Project Cars 2 a highly enjoyable Racing Game, without a doubt one of the better ones available for consoles.

Many aspects of the game have features not currently available in other offerings and if not for anything else we all should respect and credit SMS for one very important thing:

SMS pushed the envelop in it's feature set and sure enough will current and future serious racing simulators follow suit and have to implement some or all of these features the community is asking for so long now (luckily we have seen some movement into that direction already).

For THAT I love Project Cars 2.
Good point Dirk. For all the issues (of which there are many and some quite serious), I think SMS should be applauded for really pushing the envelope in sim racing and attempting to create a package that really advances the state of the art. No other sim developer has done this and pCARS2 certainly shows how limited other sims are in their scope.
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