GTR2 16th Anniversary PATCH Part-1

Misc GTR2 16th Anniversary PATCH Part-1 16.0.0

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This D3D9.dll is used with too many tools finally ( Crew Chief has also one ).
Simhub doesn't need it and allows a lot of infos ( including a map )... if I were you ( I'm not you of course ;) ) I'd have a look at it.
In this case you'd keep the d3d9 dll for CC or Reshade
Just download the @Shovas files for GTR2 Simhub Overlays here:

But don't forget of course that you need Simhub itself for running those overlays and/or any dashboard or info display ( on screen or separate screen or a dashboard display )
Not getting anywhere with Simhub for my installation.
It seems it will not pick up active game.

i have 2 mods combined. AN and the FURI touring cars mod.
I got them to work together perfectly.
I noticed a thread here
maybe it wont work with my installation.
I even tried the shared memory option suggested in this thread and game closes when track is just about to open.

I could try the AN setup again and pick the steam ,rather than the no cd setup -not sure.
I did get map overlay box to show up in game but no image.
worth a try - I may try it on another game.
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While it runs quickly for other sims, in GTR2 Simhub needs minimum 1 lap to get the map ready for display ... at LeMans with 50 cars, I needed +- 75% of the 1979 track in order to get the map with the cars showing.
I don't remember for the moment if it's not only the first time a track is used that it takes so long for the map tp show.

NB: using Steam version for all my installs.
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Thanks for your reply.
I may try again-
I just sort of accepted the AN map and my current setup.

I am testing AMS2 at present ,it will keep me occupied for a while.
I got the complete edition and I want to get some time on this too.
It is pretty similar to GTR2 surprisingly.

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