AC GT3 @ Road Atlanta, Sunday 21st March 2021

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I managed to finish the race before the blackout. Where do you go to generate the results? (Consistency, times, etc.)

Here :) upload, chef if they are okay, then click "yes, save permanently" and share the link :)

Edit: I guess you need to know where to find the result file first :p

Are you using content manager?
Then you can click on results at the top right bar. "view in explorer" will open the containing folder!

Otherwise you need to go to:
Documents /assetto corsa/ out ans Grab the out.json or race_out.json?
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I feel I really owe apologies. Sometimes my emotions get the better of me - anger, jealousy, sadness, even joy. I don't mean to be a dick, a goon, or annoying. I've learned a lot from everyone. Owning up is tough sometimes. I know it's the driver, and not the car. I know people make mistakes. I know I make mistakes. Sometimes it's frustrating, yet nobody deserves to hear that kind of nonsense. I hope in time if I take it out it's meant to be, and taken as friends playing, and not seriously full of anger or hate.
That was a fun race!

Managed a clean start and luckily was able to keep it clean through the Esses going wheel-to-wheel with @Partick Eaton held onto P9 as long as I could. :D But my pit strategy failed me, ah well...another learning point.

Glad I didn't take you out trying my best Daniel Riccardo @Marko77 ... a bit aggressive for a Sunday race, I must admit.

All in all great race and I hope to see you all at Bahrain!
@boomRoasted no worries. Looked good on the replay! I just held my line best I could. Great racing with you Pat E and John, then lost it. Last few laps I was hoping your tires were going ;) Good finish.
That is a crazy track! I was feeling pretty sick all day and wasn't driving well before i got sent in a 1080 spin by stefan! It caught me completely by surprise, as i was so far into the corner to think you would be safe. I was a bit shook for about five laps before i got a bit of focus again, trying to catch rasmus. Then i made a mess of the pit stop... I was lucky not to bin it coming over the hill and just made it inside the pit wall sliding across the grass... then overshot the pit, reverse to refuel...

Emerged just in front of thomas. We had a strange battle with no tyres left on either car. Thomas got past after i nearly hit a back marker but then he luckily had a bit of the lambo fear turing into the back straight and i was able to skip straight past again before he could escape. Thanks to thomas for being a gent then. We had a coming together at t2. Struggled badly with t1 all race. Just as i crawled wounded back onto the track the blue flags flashed up... oh ****. Lucky demetri and patrick squeezed by ok. Tyres were so red, i was like a fish out of water for the next 4 corners. Not sure what happened to @thom462 after.? I'd say not far from a puncture he dropped down the field :( A quite enough last 3 laps i was glad to have!

See yous at the next one!
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I didn't mean it in a rude way - It's hard to come across. Yeah I guess I was a little bit taking the piss, but that's just me. I mean, I just don't understand where the grip comes from. Of course you needn't share your setups. Jealousy got the better of me, and I lashed out a bit. Sorry Chris.

normally I just do a couple of qualifying laps, unless I am having some problems.
just make a cup of tea and watch qualifying, just in case I missed something obvious.
like today, Patrick’s laps, I don’t have any problems seeing how the faster drivers are, well, faster, you can actually see the extra cornering pace that Patrick has over my lap.
I do understand some of it is down to the extra ability the McLaren has over the Nissan in corners.
But that does not detract from seeing their extra pace, just watch their extra grab of a couple of feet of track, their entry speed and how they use the full extent of the track to carry the extra speed, usually just missing the exit curb.
It really is that simple in the end, doing it is another thing entirely. :)
Gotta try sandbagging the quali one day to start from the back and see how that unfolds. Can't be worse than public servers
I'm sure the public servers are better ... either that or they don't require rules 1 and 2 which no one seems to have heard of in the mid-field, disappointing really given that they are written upfront on every event. I'd stay where I am ; I think the damage settings need to be increased just short of engine blowups.
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I was battling with Rasmus for position and went to the inside seeing a organge lambo at the corner. Thinking he will go through.
Rasmus pulled in front of me to defend. At this point I couldnt see the corner. And not in a million years I would guess there is a car just getting slower and slower. If you want to let a group of cars overtake you, why not wait on the start/finish straight were you can safely wait on the side or at the beginning of the straight.
After Rasmus saw the slower car he went right. At this moment I only had the option to drive into Rasmus or try to avoid the Lambo. In no way I could break, cause he was just not moving, making me overshoot the corner and lose over 40 seconds cause of this, and ending my race basically. I also Hit Brian but luckily he could continue.
Well, this view shows you could've seen him going slow at the right edge of the track well in advance. If you didn't that's probably because you were too focused on Rasmus.

It looks like you were trying to outbrake Rasmus, but even without that orange Lambo you were going to miss the chicane. No way you could slow down for it from here:

I know, my replay does not show your true braking point due to the network lag, but here's Rasmus' one for comparison, good 70-80 yards (I believe those markers on the right are in yards) earlier:

Z4 might have the best brakes in business, but even they can't do miracles
Well, this view shows you could've seen him going slow at the right edge of the track well in advance. If you didn't that's probably because you were too focused on Rasmus.
View attachment 457216

It looks like you were trying to outbrake Rasmus, but even without that orange Lambo you were going to miss the chicane. No way you could slow down for it from here:
View attachment 457217

I know, my replay does not show your true braking point due to the network lag, but here's Rasmus' one for comparison, good 70-80 yards (I believe those markers on the right are in yards) earlier:
View attachment 457218

Z4 might have the best brakes in business, but even they can't do miracles
Funny but I was braking at 150 yards and making that chicane - you can brake even later at around 130 and still get the nose in missing the curb though ...
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Funny but I was braking at 150 yards and making that chicane - you can brake even later at around 130 and still get the nose in missing the curb though ...
No, you weren't. More like at 180:

BTW, I don't know what those units are. They are too big to be feet and too small to be yards. There seems to be about 50 meters between 100 and 200 signs and the distance from 100 to the turn is twice as big as between 100 and 200. Some drunken crew installed them, apparently :)
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Well, this view shows you could've seen him going slow at the right edge of the track well in advance. If you didn't that's probably because you were too focused on Rasmus.
View attachment 457216

It looks like you were trying to outbrake Rasmus, but even without that orange Lambo you were going to miss the chicane. No way you could slow down for it from here:
View attachment 457217

I know, my replay does not show your true braking point due to the network lag, but here's Rasmus' one for comparison, good 70-80 yards (I believe those markers on the right are in yards) earlier:
View attachment 457218

Z4 might have the best brakes in business, but even they can't do miracles

Just no. I couldnt see that the Lambo was so slow, cause I would need to see him for a period of time to get an idea of the speed. So I glimpse towards him, thinking he will just make the corner, and was focused on the real thread in this situation, which was Rasmus slowly closing the door in front of me.
Just a split second after your screenshot Rasmus was in front of me blocking my view.

Breaking Point for the Z4 to slowly make the corner is the Shadow of the tree before the 100 board. You can break behind it, but would compromise the corner exit. So that was not an issue.

I know it was a tricky situation, and I wrote my first post in the heat of having to abort my race cause of this incident. But my point still stands. In this situation and at that time during the race were battles for position happen on every corner. You have to let others pass at the beginning of the straight and not slowly move into a corner. In particular, when you feel that you havnt gotten a grasp of the track.
Just no. I couldnt see that the Lambo was so slow, cause I would need to see him for a period of time to get an idea of the speed. So I glimpse towards him, thinking he will just make the corner, and was focused on the real thread in this situation, which was Rasmus slowly closing the door in front of me.
Just a split second after your screenshot Rasmus was in front of me blocking my view.

Breaking Point for the Z4 to slowly make the corner is the Shadow of the tree before the 100 board. You can break behind it, but would compromise the corner exit. So that was not an issue.

I know it was a tricky situation, and I wrote my first post in the heat of having to abort my race cause of this incident. But my point still stands. In this situation and at that time during the race were battles for position happen on every corner. You have to let others pass at the beginning of the straight and not slowly move into a corner. In particular, when you feel that you havnt gotten a grasp of the track.
But you braked way past that shadow. I can check previous laps and I'm sure your braking point would be much earlier than that. Maybe not as early as Rasmus braked on that lap, but clearly not at the dotted line. And that's while going on the normal line, when you take the extreme inside line you have to brake much earlier than usual.

As for focusing on Rasmus, I get that and I'm not saying that I would not have made the same mistake, yet it is unfair to blame the guy for what happened. I thought he did something outrageous when I read your post, but watching the replay I didn't see it that way. There was time for you to see him and make the correct decision which would be brake earlier and slot in behind Rasmus who already passed you at that point. Maybe you hoped to squeeze in between him and the Lambo, but there was not enough space and it didn't work out. It's racing, **** happens

While putting this to bed, I want to say sorry to everyone involved for going for that "block".
I knew it was legal to do but I underestimated the speed differences.
Nearly cost 4 people the race. Luckily only 1 in the end.

As I wrote earlier about simracing:
It's not about going full extend about what is allowed. It's also taking into consideration the limitations and everything else in simracing.

Moving over to the left, blocking the inside line wasn't a wise move in hindsight of what I said.

Good night guys :)
Full on break at the shadow. So, no I didnt missed the point. Even in your clip, sure when I only watch the Lambo I can see that he is slow, but Rasmus was to close to not put my attention on him. Assuming other cars just wouldnt stop on track which he ultimately did. And when you realize that there is no forward motion anymore its way to late. Evetything just happend basically in 2-3 seconds. Hardly any time to make well thought out decisions. There was just no room for me left, and I didnt wanted to squeeze in between, I just tried to avoid a chrash at the end.
Also I have already taken the inside line way before I could see the Lambo to defend against Rasmus. So hardly a "mistake". If he would have let Brian pass and normally take the corner there woulndt be an issue.

@Chris Down I dont see a need for any reports. My point is just that there are way better spots to let someone pass at this track. And that this situation could be handled better and its just to dangarouse to stop on track. As I already said, I wrote my post in the heat of the situation, but I better let anything straight out then having it simmering in me.

So I have made my point and done with it. See you all next week.


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Full on break at the shadow. So, no I didnt missed the point. Even in your clip, sure when I only watch the Lambo I can see that he is slow, but Rasmus was to close to not put my attention on him. Assuming other cars just wouldnt stop on track which he ultimately did. And when you realize that there is no forward motion anymore its way to late. Evetything just happend basically in 2-3 seconds. Hardly any time to make well thought out decisions. There was just no room for me left, and I didnt wanted to squeeze in between, I just tried to avoid a chrash at the end.
Also I have already taken the inside line way before I could see the Lambo to defend against Rasmus. So hardly a "mistake". If he would have let Brian pass and normally take the corner there woulndt be an issue.

@Chris Down I dont see a need for any reports. My point is just that there are way better spots to let someone pass at this track. And that this situation could be handled better and its just to dangarouse to stop on track. As I already said, I wrote my post in the heat of the situation, but I better let anything straight out then having it simmering in me.

So I have made my point and done with it. See you all next week.
Well, let's agree to disagree. I believe that when you're racing fast cars, you're supposed to make split-second decisions, so 2-3 seconds is a lot
Results and full replay for those interested. :)

The early blackout for this event and the sudden server loss of the Wednesday race are making me think these issues are SGP related. I'm sure the wrinkles will be ironed out, just wanted to bring it to the attention of those that can address it.
There're no race results on SGP. Only P and Q sessions. Something probably got broken when they rolled out an update mid-week

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