ACC GT World Challenge Europe @ Weathertech ®️ Raceway Laguna Seca - Saturday 4th April 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
Was really fun race after all the happenings. Personal best by far to the qualifying. During wait time in the last moment I noticed that it is going to stop raining in 10 mins so that made final decision on dry tires for the start easy.

Then after first few laps I punted @Peter Roche Racing in the braking for corkscrew early on as my brake mark was way later on the top of the hill and dropped to 18th when waiting for causing the collision. Sorry for that.

From there on the almost constant battling on the track for the whole 80 mins or so and managed to climb all the way to 5th. I reduced amount of refueling right before pit stop and managed to reduce too much. Fuel ran out on second to last lap and had to wait winner on the start straight and drive to finish lap behind :( Had been better to fuel that extra 10l in order to be able to finish race with race pace :D

What a last lap guys !!! @JamieG @Jens Christian Jensen @Traction1
Great race guys, especially at the end. Typical me, when being caught I start to concentrate on my mirrors instead of my line, and as usual start making small errors. I did have a comfortable position and was holding my own, if only I kept driving my race and not the chasers. See you next time, remember we at OTCR stream these races.. thx
Then after first few laps I punted @Peter Roche Racing in the braking for corkscrew early on as my brake mark was way later on the top of the hill and dropped to 18th when waiting for causing the collision. Sorry for that.
Well it happens to all of us. I was taking it really carefully because of the conditions. Thankfully the damage wasn't that bad. Thank you for waiting for me and letting me through. That was very kind.
This was an odd one. I mean, I never practice anymore. I started with that kind of racing in the last RDGTC, where I only joined the server for official practice and that was my first laps on the track. Kinda emulating real life scenarios.

So, with major stomach cramps I had to take a 10 min break in the middle of qual as well. That coupled with a server restart and varying weather during practice made me not as prepared as I'd liked.

Started the race with wet-tyres. Not the best choice. So I was quite far behind already after two laps, but the driving went well. Had some nice fights with @LumpisHirn , but also lost total concentration at one point and spun.
Later on there was a loud guy on TS with a small, but loud rant that made me loose focus again, and a new spin. This time I had to wait a while for drivers to pass me before re-joining as well.

Then the chaos started, my second stop in the race, and here my lack of knowledge was evident.(one RD race at Spa in January, that's it) Like I do in any other game I start braking in the pit entry and hit the speed limiter button. Little did I know that either A) The game doesn't allow me to apply it before pit entry or B) It turns off while shifting down. So out of the hairpin in the pitlane I speed while clicking on "do not repair", and when I stop my guys don't want to touch my car. I shut it off, nothing happens, I reverse a bit, drive forward and probably looks like an idiot for 30 odd seconds before going out again. One lap and serve a 30sec S&G. Then I try a pitstop again. It works perfect this time. Or... at least almost. For some reason it takes some seconds from I shut off the engine before the pit-stop actually starts. Stop is done, I go out again, and hit "shift up". Little do I know that shiftingup turns off the speed limiter.
Another 30sec S&G.

After that is served, I have little to drive for, and decide to push some laps to see if I'm able to set some nice laptimes. That I do, I also get some spins from it, but no harm done to anyone, which is the most important.

All in all, I had fun, really good fun. And it's been a learning experience. Let's see if it's less than two months until next time I touch the game :)

Same here, started on wets, desperately tried to find out beforehand if DAMP track means slicks or wets, then decided to go with wets becaus it said rain would last for at least ten minutes. Had to pit very early which made fuel an issue - ran out 3 laps before the end and came in for a splash and dash runinng in 4th, such a shame but really a learning experience.

Too bad you ran into problems, Myrvold, it was fun while it lasted, hope to fight you again some day^^

I identified a few things I need to work on, learning to save fuel, would have been really useful and probably would have meant a top five finish - get better at lapping backmarkers, Ole passed me at least twice while I was doing that. And for some reason I lost focus multiple times, costing me multiple seconds and places.

Still, it was a fun experience, very much an enjoyment to race with all of you! Thanks to everyone!
I'm usually not someone to point fingers, but this race seriously sent me into a rage.

Qualified 21st with a 1.25.x, which was my personal best up until that point. Opted to start on dry tires as the track was still warm (28 degrees) and the rain was only going to last for 10 minutes.

I was lucky to avoid some incidents in the first couple of laps (I did slightly touch @JamieG and @carlsenth. Apologies!) and found myself in P6 after 4 laps. Not a bad start. :D

@JamieG overtook me after I went wide and we chased each other for numerous laps all while @ilFisto was hunting me down. He cleverly used me screwed up lapping a back marker to pass me. In all fairness, he was way quicker than me. I could only keep up with him for as long as he was battling with @JamieG . After that, he was gone. I had a BIG moment going wide at the end of lap 20 when exiting the fast right hander before the final corner. @r!ver_cz , who was a lap down, caught me and I let him pass because he was obviously faster than me.

After 45 minutes I pitted in P4. Just managed to exit right in front of @JussiS in P11. I was caught napping on cold tires and went wide straight away. Dropped a place, but regained it one lap later when we lapped a back marker and I slipped through.

In P9 and on lap 35: IT happened. @Peter Roche Racing celebrating 'no damage' after an off is not an excuse to not pay attention to cars approaching. ;) Rejoining the track on the racing line is perhaps not the best thing to do. Apologies accepted. I had to take evasive action and ended up in the gravel losing multiple positions. I didn't suffer any damage, but I was triggered. :rolleyes: Made a driving error a couple of laps later where I binned the car. Race over.

Feels like I missed out on what seemed to have been a crazy last half hour! See you guys all later in a next one!
get better at lapping backmarkers, Ole passed me at least twice while I was doing that. And for some reason I lost focus multiple times, costing me multiple seconds and places.

While I don't know how much experience you have, this comes with experience. I've done quite a lot of racing IRL, a couple of 6hr races. Also done 4 seasons of endurance simracing championships. You pick up a lot from that in regards to minimize time loss while lapping and being lapped :)
In P9 and on lap 35: IT happened. @Peter Roche Racing celebrating 'no damage' after an off is not an excuse to not pay attention to cars approaching. ;) Rejoining the track on the racing line is perhaps not the best thing to do. Apologies accepted. I had to take evasive action and ended up in the gravel losing multiple positions. I didn't suffer any damage, but I was triggered. :rolleyes: Made a driving error a couple of laps later where I binned the car. Race over.
I feel very bad about this. I'm so sorry Denis. I got too emotional at that moment and just forgot to check if anybody is coming.
Thank you, whoever drove the yellow BMW. It was really great battling you, and you got me real stressed in the last bit where you kept pushing right behind me.

And sorry to the guy driving the merc, who i crashed into after the race was over. I want to make it clear; it wasn't because i was mad in any way. I just didn't expect anyone to be off the track at that part. I just rushed there to save the replay before the server carried on :D

Was quite annoyed during quali where i could not get in a single lap where i were not held back by traffic, even though i teleported to the pits to try again 4-5 times. Then again, i never do great at quali.
And i was surprised to experience a messy start with a couple of contacts.

Never the less, my hope of "a lot will probably chose wets" was right, and starting on slicks worked out great as intended. After spending many evenings making a setup and practicing laguna, it felt really good when everything finally clicked after some laps in the race. I was really struggling with getting this track right.
Thank you, whoever drove the yellow BMW. It was really great battling you, and you got me real stressed in the last bit where you kept pushing right behind me.
Well, that yellow submarine was me ;) so thank you indeed for the awsome racing. You kept it cool and clean, I just enjoyed the ride :cool: Great racing! To the end I was start feeling really tired and lost focus and after letting Jansen past (I thought it was a blue flag - he would pass anyway, he was super fast ehehe), I just wanted to end the race alive. Coming back from dead last after the start of the race (the Warm-up lap still freaks me out - I already had one start from the pits and a DT in the 2 previous races) I was super happy to just end the race after such Fantastic battle with you. Cheers mate, see you in the next one :thumbsup:
I’m enjoying these races a lot. Even though personally I’m having terrible results!

For this one I was feeling good, I started driving the Ferrari a couple of days before and loved it. During practice and Qualy I was happy to find myself in the top 5 even though I didn’t get a chance to do a clean lap. Finding the right spot on track when it is busy it’s not easy! I need to learn that.

Then for the race I saw the rain, panicked and did the same mistake as others: started on wets without realising the prediction change... I did my best during the first couple of laps until it was too obvious I had to pit. I hate to pit now, it’s the second race in a row where I can’t do it correctly, I think my wheel controls got messed up so I couldn’t refuel(planning on going to the end) losing A LOT of time and on top of it, getting a 30s stop&go for failing to activate the limiter. I really really need to work on that.

Anyway, I went back on track with +3 Laps and being 29th or 31st? Doesn’t matter. I knew my race pace was pretty decent if I could put my head down and that could make me recover some positions in the end. But just like Monza, I didn’t want to make a move on some of you even though I knew I was faster, and I tried to stay out of trouble being a good backmarker. Specially a couple of guys (Lambo and an Aston or Lexus? I‘m sorry I don’t remember the names!) who were having their own battle and I tried to stay behind.
Eventually I could clear some of these guys, started to focus more and drive better, I was already 20th or so, thanks to other people’s mistakes and retirements.

Then it came the time to pit for fuel and I messed up again. Another 30s stop&go! I’m still beating myself... On top of that, I majestically spun entering the pitlane to serve the penalty. Brilliant stuff.

But after that the track was improving and I really got my act together, for the last 30’ or so I felt like I was nailing it! I don’t know if it was due to most of you saving fuel or what, but I was consistently faster than some of the top guys, I ended up 15th and right on the tail of @Bart Matyja in 2nd.

Congrats to @Michael Rudolf for that win, we were extremely close on qualy being the fastest 488’s and it makes me sad that I wasn’t able to fight with you guys at the top!
I don’t know all the names but I remember passing or getting away from @Brian C Jensen @r!ver_cz and @David Jessat among others during the final stint. I hope I didn’t cause trouble for you guys, I only went for it because I knew I was fast enough even though I was 3 laps behind. I tried to be as careful and respectful as possible, and I think most of you understood it was not a battle.

I’m enjoying these races a lot. Even though personally I’m having terrible results!

For this one I was feeling good, I started driving the Ferrari a couple of days before and loved it. During practice and Qualy I was happy to find myself in the top 5 even though I didn’t get a chance to do a clean lap. Finding the right spot on track when it is busy it’s not easy! I need to learn that.

Then for the race I saw the rain, panicked and did the same mistake as others: started on wets without realising the prediction change... I did my best during the first couple of laps until it was too obvious I had to pit. I hate to pit now, it’s the second race in a row where I can’t do it correctly, I think my wheel controls got messed up so I couldn’t refuel(planning on going to the end) losing A LOT of time and on top of it, getting a 30s stop&go for failing to activate the limiter. I really really need to work on that.

Anyway, I went back on track with +3 Laps and being 29th or 31st? Doesn’t matter. I knew my race pace was pretty decent if I could put my head down and that could make me recover some positions in the end. But just like Monza, I didn’t want to make a move on some of you even though I knew I was faster, and I tried to stay out of trouble being a good backmarker. Specially a couple of guys (Lambo and an Aston or Lexus? I‘m sorry I don’t remember the names!) who were having their own battle and I tried to stay behind.
Eventually I could clear some of these guys, started to focus more and drive better, I was already 20th or so, thanks to other people’s mistakes and retirements.

Then it came the time to pit for fuel and I messed up again. Another 30s stop&go! I’m still beating myself... On top of that, I majestically spun entering the pitlane to serve the penalty. Brilliant stuff.

But after that the track was improving and I really got my act together, for the last 30’ or so I felt like I was nailing it! I don’t know if it was due to most of you saving fuel or what, but I was consistently faster than some of the top guys, I ended up 15th and right on the tail of @Bart Matyja in 2nd.

Congrats to @Michael Rudolf for that win, we were extremely close on qualy being the fastest 488’s and it makes me sad that I wasn’t able to fight with you guys at the top!
I don’t know all the names but I remember passing or getting away from @Brian C Jensen @r!ver_cz and @David Jessat among others during the final stint. I hope I didn’t cause trouble for you guys, I only went for it because I knew I was fast enough even though I was 3 laps behind. I tried to be as careful and respectful as possible, and I think most of you understood it was not a battle.


From my side it was alright ;) I was saving fuel and realized you are faster, so no problem to let you go. I know how frustrating it can be to try unlap yourself :roflmao:
I’m enjoying these races a lot. Even though personally I’m having terrible results!

For this one I was feeling good, I started driving the Ferrari a couple of days before and loved it. During practice and Qualy I was happy to find myself in the top 5 even though I didn’t get a chance to do a clean lap. Finding the right spot on track when it is busy it’s not easy! I need to learn that.

Then for the race I saw the rain, panicked and did the same mistake as others: started on wets without realising the prediction change... I did my best during the first couple of laps until it was too obvious I had to pit. I hate to pit now, it’s the second race in a row where I can’t do it correctly, I think my wheel controls got messed up so I couldn’t refuel(planning on going to the end) losing A LOT of time and on top of it, getting a 30s stop&go for failing to activate the limiter. I really really need to work on that.

Anyway, I went back on track with +3 Laps and being 29th or 31st? Doesn’t matter. I knew my race pace was pretty decent if I could put my head down and that could make me recover some positions in the end. But just like Monza, I didn’t want to make a move on some of you even though I knew I was faster, and I tried to stay out of trouble being a good backmarker. Specially a couple of guys (Lambo and an Aston or Lexus? I‘m sorry I don’t remember the names!) who were having their own battle and I tried to stay behind.
Eventually I could clear some of these guys, started to focus more and drive better, I was already 20th or so, thanks to other people’s mistakes and retirements.

Then it came the time to pit for fuel and I messed up again. Another 30s stop&go! I’m still beating myself... On top of that, I majestically spun entering the pitlane to serve the penalty. Brilliant stuff.

But after that the track was improving and I really got my act together, for the last 30’ or so I felt like I was nailing it! I don’t know if it was due to most of you saving fuel or what, but I was consistently faster than some of the top guys, I ended up 15th and right on the tail of @Bart Matyja in 2nd.

Congrats to @Michael Rudolf for that win, we were extremely close on qualy being the fastest 488’s and it makes me sad that I wasn’t able to fight with you guys at the top!
I don’t know all the names but I remember passing or getting away from @Brian C Jensen @r!ver_cz and @David Jessat among others during the final stint. I hope I didn’t cause trouble for you guys, I only went for it because I knew I was fast enough even though I was 3 laps behind. I tried to be as careful and respectful as possible, and I think most of you understood it was not a battle.

Thanks @oscarfaraday, still amazed it worked out after all. I was really frustrated after quali since I was nearly a second behind my personal best and had no idea what was going on and why I kept missing apexes in certain corners. Got really excited when I realized many of you starting before me got the tyres wrong :roflmao:
Practicing pit stops does help. Some pit lanes are tricky to enter and you can loose so much time there. I always do a couple of drive throughs on the track to get used to it and optimize my braking points.

Don't know if thats the right place but question to our hosts @Ricoow, @Daniel Monteiro, @Paul Glover: The game has come a long way now and with the great full fields we have at the moment, wouldn't it be worth trying another team driver change experiment? They were always great fun and might not be as bugged anymore.
While I don't know how much experience you have, this comes with experience. I've done quite a lot of racing IRL, a couple of 6hr races. Also done 4 seasons of endurance simracing championships. You pick up a lot from that in regards to minimize time loss while lapping and being lapped :)

I have been driving sims for quite some time now but only recently started racing online, ACC being the game that has gotten me into it. I never felt too confident behind the wheel, getting Fanatec gear last year when my G29 broke made me improve both on laptime and consistency.

I had many good races on the open servers but they obviously rarely feature weather and pit stops so I definitely lack experience there...

I have been doing things on my own so far, really could use some people to practice with on a regular basis, and I would love to become part of a team some day, do some Endurance racing together.

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