ACC GT World Challenge Europe @ Weathertech ®️ Raceway Laguna Seca - Saturday 4th April 2020

Assetto Corsa Competizione Racing Club event
Thank you for the race. The the last corner was mental, I went too deep into it and lost 3 positions :rolleyes:

Here the OTCR stream

Good battle @Jens Christian Jensen, Hajsman & @Traction1
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This was an odd one. I mean, I never practice anymore. I started with that kind of racing in the last RDGTC, where I only joined the server for official practice and that was my first laps on the track. Kinda emulating real life scenarios.

So, with major stomach cramps I had to take a 10 min break in the middle of qual as well. That coupled with a server restart and varying weather during practice made me not as prepared as I'd liked.

Started the race with wet-tyres. Not the best choice. So I was quite far behind already after two laps, but the driving went well. Had some nice fights with @LumpisHirn , but also lost total concentration at one point and spun.
Later on there was a loud guy on TS with a small, but loud rant that made me loose focus again, and a new spin. This time I had to wait a while for drivers to pass me before re-joining as well.

Then the chaos started, my second stop in the race, and here my lack of knowledge was evident.(one RD race at Spa in January, that's it) Like I do in any other game I start braking in the pit entry and hit the speed limiter button. Little did I know that either A) The game doesn't allow me to apply it before pit entry or B) It turns off while shifting down. So out of the hairpin in the pitlane I speed while clicking on "do not repair", and when I stop my guys don't want to touch my car. I shut it off, nothing happens, I reverse a bit, drive forward and probably looks like an idiot for 30 odd seconds before going out again. One lap and serve a 30sec S&G. Then I try a pitstop again. It works perfect this time. Or... at least almost. For some reason it takes some seconds from I shut off the engine before the pit-stop actually starts. Stop is done, I go out again, and hit "shift up". Little do I know that shiftingup turns off the speed limiter.
Another 30sec S&G.

After that is served, I have little to drive for, and decide to push some laps to see if I'm able to set some nice laptimes. That I do, I also get some spins from it, but no harm done to anyone, which is the most important.

All in all, I had fun, really good fun. And it's been a learning experience. Let's see if it's less than two months until next time I touch the game :)
Man that was crazy! Messed up quali, no single really good lap and I was so annoyed about myself I wanted to give up. Some must have made a bad tyre choice and I had a great start so got into P2 quickly and chased @Absurd1ty down until I was close around my pit stop. After that I was immediately more than half a second per lap faster and tried to make up time as much as possible until @Absurd1ty obviously got disconnected :cry: Was wondering what your strategy was and how that would end. After that of course the usual happened, leading by over 30 secs I hit that stupid sausage kerb and go into the wall, huge damage :mad: @Bart Matyja coming closer and closer and right when he had me boom, same kerb gets him as well. That gave me just enough time to secure the win. What a race...

Nice disconnect right there, Bentley is not only a boat :whistling:
@Michael Rudolf congrats on the win and so sorry to Mr. Gardner for his disconnect. I think he was going for a splash and dash and would love to see it play out between you two.
Like you said, I had no idea what happened to you but suspected damage and yeah, just as I was close enough to take the lead, I went flying on the curb in the second to last corner. I was so angry at myself that I wanted to park it but there was only 16 minutes left so drove to the end. I hate this track but I learned some more about the tires at least. Not a bad result in the end but mainly due to people getting caught out by the weather I think.
P3 and my first podium. How in the world I managed that I don't know. Today was my first day driving the track in ACC and it felt horrible when I practiced before the race. I had no confidence in it and it just wanted to slide everywhere. But in the race the car felt great and I somehow found a lot of confidence in it. I made some mistakes but avoided the damage. I got so lucky with Hajsman (I think) running out of fuel at the end. I can't believe it.
Man that was crazy! Messed up quali, no single really good lap and I was so annoyed about myself I wanted to give up. Some must have made a bad tyre choice and I had a great start so got into P2 quickly and chased @Absurd1ty down until I was close around my pit stop. After that I was immediately more than half a second per lap faster and tried to make up time as much as possible until @Absurd1ty obviously got disconnected :cry: Was wondering what your strategy was and how that would end. After that of course the usual happened, leading by over 30 secs I hit that stupid sausage kerb and go into the wall, huge damage :mad: @Bart Matyja coming closer and closer and right when he had me boom, same kerb gets him as well. That gave me just enough time to secure the win. What a race...

Nice disconnect right there, Bentley is not only a boat :whistling:
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yes that was a crazy race, i started on the wet tyre and went to pit in the first lap, i ended as nr 4. i think there must been some crash or something. grats on the 1st place michael.
Never has my internet lost connection in 8 months, and today my ISP decided to change that. Still without internet. I was on a no-stop strategy that was working since I was fuel saving since half-way through the race. Really upset about that, I just cannot catch a break this week.
That would be mighty impressive if you pulled it off. I never saw anyone do 90 minutes in this game on any track in any car. Would be a good learning experience as well for all of us if it worked. Such a shame.
Thank you for the race. The the last corner was mental, I went too deep into it and lost 3 positions :rolleyes:

Here the OTCR stream
View attachment 360284

Good battle @Jens Christian Jensen, Hajsman & @Traction1

Oh my...what a FINISH !!!

I joined you guys just three laps to go, but it was the best part of race I had ;)

Had a bad choice of wets at the start, tried to do at least enough laps so I wouldn’t have to pit for fuel, but that was unrealistic, because I was loosing 6s a lap:( So in the end, I had to pit for 8l of fuel:roflmao:

But joined you and it made my race. Thanks and I look forward to next race.

yes that was a crazy race, i started on the wet tyre and went to pit in the first lap, i ended as nr 4. i think there must been some crash or something. grats on the 1st place michael.
Yea I had put wets on until like 1 minute to go when I realized the forecast changed and the rain was gonna stop in a few minutes so I figured I would try and use dry and see how it goes. Freaking cool the first few laps but still the better choice.

That would be mighty impressive if you pulled it off. I never saw anyone do 90 minutes in this game on any track in any car. Would be a good learning experience as well for all of us if it worked. Such a shame.
That would have been mighty indeed. Tried to calculate that through but it does not seem to work for me. Time to put some practice on and see if that is possible :)
To the organisers, I really enjoyed the weather change. Made the strategy very important. I would only get rid of the time multiplier as the weather seem to change too quickly with it.
But the start was awesome from my perspective.

I agree, I recon the max multiplier is x2 to keep it close to reality.
Above that it can become too erratic and it might impact performances on PCs with too quick changes with the sky/ light/etc.
How do I summarise my race? How about 4 pit stops and a flat spot that would not go away.

Excellent qualy for me, 0.6 up on my best to date at this circuit, so cheerful and ready for the race.

Rain? oh god. Went for wet tyres only to find that the track wasn't wet and they over heated after a lap. Into the pits I go for my dodgy pit crew to put on a brand new pair of....wet tyres!! Around I go with seriously over heating tyres even at a greatly reduced pace, now 2 laps down. Second stop. This time they put on the right tyres but also change the brakes....4 laps down now.

I join and start to put in some laps, hoping to get some racing in. Alas, I am stone cold last and now getting blue flags every which way. I try to race them fairly, but of course, it feels like I am getting in the way of their race. So unless I can pass cleanly without disrupting their race, or pull away from them, I move over and hold back. Followed a yellow BMW for a long time doing exactly this, not pushing and only passing if they made a mistake. I lock up on my last lap before a fuel stop, flat spotting the tyre something rotten. But it matter not, because.....

It is time for a fuel stop - Third stop The dodgy pit crew put in 90L of fuel and don't change the tyres. I could almost cry. 45 laps in and I am 90L fuelled and still on flat spotted tyres. I run for a few laps, but the vibrations are getting worse and worse. In I go again for another stop.

This time, they put on the right tyres - Stop number 4. By now I am 6 laps down and just getting in the way of everyone. I try to move off the line whenever the leaders come through. With a heavy car, the lap time difference is huge and I am just struggling to keep out of everyone's way. Decision made, I retire the car, with only 20 mins to go. Oh well, next time.

Well done to the podium.
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