Thanks!Wow. I just stumbled across your YouTube video and had to find information about the car, but there's so little out there. Great work, looking forward to it. If I may ask, what inspired this rather left-field choice?
lol a very similar thought process happened with the_meco. The chap asked marco if the 917/30 or porsche will ever come. not in a million years eh.Thanks!
Yep it's a pretty much unknown car...
Well, there's various reasons to choose this car, like:
I like this kind of car.
There's something like 0.00001% chances to see it in a "game" or even built in 3d.
I like how it looks like, it's charming and beautiful.
It was made here (Brazil) and the builder (Toni Bianco) have a nice history here. So for me it's like a homage to him and his history.
It's old and have a V12!
It's a great car and is basically unknown outside from Brazil so I hope that more people know about it not just the mod but the car and builder's history.
I already said that it's beautiful?
I wanted to push my limits and see what I was capable to do with such mechanical details. That engine was a real challenge.
(only critique I find on short glance is that the ignition cables intersect the carbs)
Holding mid click might be more intuitive.For everybody who is unfamiliar with 3D environment - hold shift for better cam manipulation.
Not in the traditional way, I think that's not possible to archive such nice looking in the AC editor, however I'll try to mix the roughness/metalness/specular maps into the "_map" texture to see what happensthat looks astonishing indeed. Wahou sir, bravo!!
I wish KsEditor looked as great as that sketchFab viewer
Can you use specular map, metalness etc. in AC ?
You mean in the sketchfab viewer? If so there's a gear icon where you can change textures to HD, in fact you really should do that Anyway in this export all textures are 2048 but can be upgraded to 4k with very little effortSexy indeed. Textures details look superb. Could it be higher resolution though?
I hope it's a funny oneit's a joke? amazing 3d !