I write this post because I want to ask if it is possible to modify the actual cockpit view.
In my opinion the default point of the eye is too back and it limits the possibility of moving forward the seat. For me -100/0 is not enough because I don't feel it is a realistic view because the wheel of the car is very far away and little compared to my real wheel. Conversely If I move forward the eye default position, from my point of view, I have a more realistic view and the virtual wheel is more close to my monitor, also the size is more similar of the real wheel.
So, briefly, the "solution" is to modify the default position of the cockpit eye in the .cam file of the car. But doing that we cannot move the seat as back as we can with the original .cam file and I don't know if will be some people affected if the file is modified. Also I have to say that reducing the FOV isn't effective because I have only one monitor and if I reduce the FOV under 40 I lose the perspective of the track.
I leave you a video comparing the original and modified .cam file in both limits of seat adjustment with 50 of FOv.
http://www.mediafire.com/?8bdxcsh3qdplifl .CAM Modified file