Looking good!
Pretty close to release? Excited for this car.
Hi )
Not sure exactly the release of the car , Planned ect ,
I just Make the 3D ,
All areas are looking really good , Audio , Physics , 3D ,
My side mainly trying to make as accurate build as possible , With all the details I can see from the real car ,
Which in reality as a lot ,
Almost to the point external where I can maybe bake the chassis maps for the chassis soon ,
Id say within the next 48hrs or so ,
We can get these main AO maps baked , All wheels , suspension , tires , brakes , discs ,
Are all painted , After some tweeking ,
I managed to get the Hybrid tires to work with these tires , which as saved me some time ,
Those tires took a lot of texturing , might add a few more details yet not sure will look once everything is finished on the build ,
Special thanks to
@Amir Vodokotlic for providing us with some data , which includes a detailed blueprint of a seat , In which we can now build to match the quality of the car