AMS2 Formula 3 @ Guaporé - Friday 18 March 2022

Automobilista 2 Racing Club event
Formula 3.jpg

This week we are racing the Formula 3 class on Friday nights. An hour later but a shorter overall event with a lowered specced open wheeler racing machine. Fun guaranteed!

Wether you are a rookie racer or a seasoned veteran our casual club races are for everyone and every skill level. We combine fun events with discord chatter and collective learning into our races.

Don't be shy, sign up below and give us a try. The worst thing that can happen is that you might like it :)

Server, Settings & Rules

Server Password: brit
Server Settings: open setups, factory settings
Track: Guapore
Cars: Formula 3
Discord: Join us on the #Automobilista-2 voice chat during the event. Join our Discord here and check out the #read-this-first how to setup and syncronize your premium account.
Rules: Read or watch our racing club rules

Time Table

Practice: 20:00 UTC / 21:00 CET (20 minutes)
Qualifying: 20:20 UTC / 21:20 CET (20 minutes)
Race: 20:40 UTC / 21:40 CET (20 minutes)

Entry List
  1. Bram Hengeveld
  2. Yannik Haustein
  3. Casper de Wit
  4. nepal roade
  5. Piotrek Blaszczak
  6. Redvaliant
  7. Andrew Leach
  8. Damian Reed
  9. Kees Veenstra
  10. Fiberoptix
  11. GeekyDeaks
  12. PurgerUK
  13. JussiS
  14. abecede
  15. Driver name
  16. Driver name
  17. Driver name
  18. Driver name
  19. Driver name
  20. Driver name
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Sorry chaps. I was a bit pressed for time to join and just went with the default car not realising there were two. I tried to change last minute but it only gave me the spectate button. Hope you all have a good race and I'll see you next week (either Tuesday or Friday).
Thanks for the race. I had a VR glitch 3/4 of the way in or so that shifted me left in the cockpit by about a foot, lost my bearings and onto the grass. I caused a collision skidding back onto the track so sorry about that. Same thing seemed to happen every time I went to the pitbox, I shall check my settings.

Good fun, I will try to join the next one.
that was fun last night trying to catch you @abecede, shame the car suddenly let go at the rear towards the end when I'd worked so hard to get close. I don't know what happened with it, but my car just did not perform the same in the race as in practise/quali. I couldn't get within a second of my times during the race and the car did not feel the same with exactly the same setup. I wondered if the track conditions had changed. And my shoulders are so sore too, it was hard work for me, I think I'll have to lower the FFB strength a bit. Next race looks like fun too in the FF.
that was fun last night trying to catch you @abecede, shame the car suddenly let go at the rear towards the end when I'd worked so hard to get close.
Yeah, I was soooo tense seeing you car in the mirror always a bit closer... Tried to defend hard, and it was really good fun. Too bad that your car suddenly disappeared from my rear view. But I hope for some more good battles with you whenever I have free time (which isn't often sadly)!

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