
Tracks Fonteny 1.1

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I can report the same issue as @rkriger above... I crash against some invisible object. It has been going on for months... but hasn't been there always.. when I look a long time back. Disabling CSP or not updating it anymore obviously isn't a very good solution to the issue since a lot of other stuff is dependent on its features.

When it happens at speed it will rip the wheels from the car.

PS: And I am not the only person on the server that has the problem.
Not sure why the attitude? The track was made with the vanilla game in mind, not CSP.
It’s obviously a CSP issue and should be reported in its Discord channel.
May I suggest you speak to whoever is responsible for developing the CSP?

I don't want to sound rude, but do you honestly expect me (and other car and track makers) to rework my mods because something is broken in the CSP?
Sorry guys if my post came across the wrong way. I certainly wasn't complaining... just reporting.

Not sure why the attitude? The track was made with the vanilla game in mind, not CSP.
It’s obviously a CSP issue and should be reported in its Discord channel.

OK OK... I'm sorry to break it to you but the vanilla game seems pretty much dead. If it weren't for the many improvements that CSP and Sol/Pure whatever brought to the game, probably next to no one would play AC anymore. So to say you can consider it has become some sort of the "standard/default" environment. Of course when the author of this wonderful track doesn't have this in mind and/or doesn't care I can't blame him and can't complain.

May I suggest you speak to whoever is responsible for developing the CSP?

I don't want to sound rude, but do you honestly expect me (and other car and track makers) to rework my mods because something is broken in the CSP?

I'm sorry. I don't want to sound rude either. I certainly do not expect you to do that. I mean, it is awesome that you created that track and share it with us. I've clocked around 6000 km on it (only 3000 in my new stats since my HDD died a year ago ). So I can only emphasize that I like it a lot. I certainly also get your point... BUT well... while I don't expect it, it would be very nice if you could have a look and maybe find an easy fix on your side. Bella Vista Route had a similar problem (not with collision, but how some echos were created) and very quickly they had a fix.

I can certainly see, that you see the "fault" on the other side, but what should I say? At my work we have our own custom software tools, that sometime get broken by Windows Updates or Framenet updates. After trying to reach out to Bill Gates for a couple of months and almost going bancrupt in the process because no one could work anymore, I asked our developer to have a quick look and in about 15 Minutes it was fixed. (and only the Bill Gates part of that story is a bit exaggerated).

I will try...I have been in contact with Iljas in the past for some other stuff... but one could say that is really... difficult. If it was my mod, I'd at least be interested to see if this issue can be replicated or a reason can be found. If it is fixable then, and with what amount of reasonable effort is another question.

Modders should rework each of their mods for every new sub version of CSP.
Which are released every 21 minutes on an average week.

Nobody "should". But if they 'want' people to continue or using their mods, it might be worth looking into current development. And sadly what you say is not true with frequent updates. CSP has a long history, of adding more buggs than features. And they add a lot of features. There is a lot of stuff that gets broken in an update where like every post in their Patreon is reporting that issue.. and then it can take MONTHS or almost a year until this is fixed if even.
They will not look into a problem with one specific track out of all the tracks out there, I'm 100% sure.

So what could be my conclusion out of this now? For sure I can say "thank you" for having around 6000 wonderful Kilometers on this track. I really enjoyed it a lot. Sadly this bug is kind of "race braking" so we probably need to abandon it Or everybody knows the location of the bug on the map and tries to swerve around it.

For now I can not say when this bug appeared for the first time. I think it was when the new rain physics for tyres were introduced. But I'm not sure anymore. It took a while to understand the pattern when those crashes happened, in particular when others were involved and a spontaneous outbreak of chaos is nothing unseen on a AC online server.

I'd be thrilled if @Fat-Alfie could have a look and probably fix it. If not, thank you anyway

PS: To end with something positive... isn't it awesome how good this track looks with the newest Pure features. Sun blinding and god rays through the trees.

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I'd be thrilled if @Fat-Alfie could have a look and probably fix it. If not, thank you anyway
I have driven almost 40,000km on this track since its inception. I designed it to work with vanilla AC (so people had the option) but I was running CSP throughout the entire development time. I had no objections to incorporating the ability to run at night (even though I never do, myself) but I have no intention of 'fixing' the track so that it works with a broken CSP.

If you think that 100s of creators should go back and alter possibly 1000s of tracks because there is a problem with a singular CSP then you are nuts (no disrespect meant).
My initial diagnosis was right... after a bit of research, looks like there's a tree at that location which is part of a tree cluster - not sure if they were kstreegroup originally? But they ended up with the mesh name 318


In the vanilla game physics, any numbered mesh (either just numbers or a number in front of a random name) and not defined in the track's surfaces.ini automatically become physical and are assigned a default surface property, which is ROAD.

This is how you keep track of instances like that, from log.txt:


Why doesn't the vanilla game, kunos cars explode when they get to a mesh like that? The game will also stop looking for tire collisions on meshes that are over 16 degrees in angle... so the tree is just fine in this case.

CSP on the other hand, has new collision effects, tire raycasting, etc... and these "extended physics" look for all physical meshes regardless of them being a flat plane or a vertical tree. So if a car has these extended physics, or the module itself is applied globally, the car will behave like its hitting a wall.

I mean... its not ideal to have meshes end up with physical properties, but it happens.. my Road Atlanta trees are doing the same actually, but you would only encounter a collision with them if you for some reason scrape along the wall in certain sections.

I can tell you that the issue is being looked into, and hopefully a solution soon :)
Well that gives me some hope. Thank you a lot for this detailed analysis. I hope it can get fixed. I think you're right and onto something. I made some experiments and the only stock Kunos car that we have on the server (LaFerrari) doesn't have the collision. Most mod cars use extended physics and collide and one (GT4 RS) just feels very weird in the force feedback driving over it. Sometimes at speed it will flip the wheel upside down (in the game) and make the Force Feedback wheel go crazy spinning back and forth at insane speed that I can't see the spokes of the wheel anymore until I shut of my wheelbase

@Fat-Alfie it hasn't been a problem with a singular CSP but since they introduced the new tire effects in December 2022 0.1.80 preview 108. Since then I've been avoiding the track as far as possible but came back to the test the new pure features and finally decided to report or probably as you perceive it complain.
I understand and accept your view on this and won't bother you anymore.
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Loved Fonteny from the start and still love it, is an absolutely amazing track. Hope this issue get fixed soon, either by the track creator or the CSP coder, but in the meantime I just keep racing there and trying to avoid the pair of ghosts that haunt the track near la Gare de Razou.

Many thanks, Fat Alfie, for the awesome 10.000 km I've driven at Fonteny.

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