
Tracks Fonteny 1.1

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Thanks John, that is interesting to know. I came across a great write up on this subject here:

I experimented with changing the blend mode from alpha_test to alpha_blend...


View attachment 507583

The checkerboard dithering pattern is gone which is great, but the trade-off is that the visibility of other objects through the fence is effected causing some unacceptable artifacts at certain points along the track.

Alternatively, to get the grey Feldbergring fence wire look i instead added the following to my config file...

KEY_1 = ksAmbient
VALUE_1 = 0.2

This greatly suppresses visible dithering without introducing other artifacts.
Can this method also being used for shimmering overhead telephone/utility wires? Especially in VR this cable shimmering is prominent visible.
Hello everybody, I'm having a really weird bug with Fonteny. I can't race there, no matter what I try, different cars, number of opponents, AI level, time of day, reverse layout, anything, around 5 seconds after the race starts it crashes back to the desktop. I can hotlap in both layouts, but as soon as I race it crashes. The track is completely stock, version 1.1, both installed manually and through content manager, deleting all files previously, doesn't matter, the issue persists. Has this happened to anyone? I'd be really thankful if anyone could help me with this, thanks in advance.
Turns out it's some issue with CSP 0.1.78, I can't race on any track while using it, I had to downgrade to 0.1.77. The only reason I hadn't noticed is because I'd been driving road cars on track days only for a while. I don't know why 0.1.78 wouldn't let me race all of a sudden as I can clearly remember racing in 0.1.78 but ok. The only reason I blamed Fonteny was because it had been the only track I'd wanted to race in, made many more tests including only Kunos content and nothing worked, only downgrading to 0.1.77.
It's just freakin' gorgeous. With the wet track add-on...just magnificent. The views are panoramic and stretch on for miles. I've never seen a track with so much depth. It's a true masterpiece. Brilliant! Thank you!

Firstly I think this track is fantastic; it's so enjoyable to drive with all the variety of corners, elevation, cambre, and scenery. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this.

I just have a slight issue with framerate on some parts of the track in the dense forests (particularly before and after Le Pargon) when it drops to about 40fps. Everywhere else its fine at the capped 60fps. With my current settings and no graphics mods on a GTX1060 @1920x1080 the builtin benchmark at Spa gives an average of 88 fps and min 67 fps. Is there anything you can do to optimise this in the forests or can you suggest any settings to tweak?
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Firstly I think this track is fantastic; it's so enjoyable to drive with all the variety of corners, elevation, cambre, and scenery. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this.

I just have a slight issue with framerate on some parts of the track in the dense forests (particularly before and after Le Pargon) when it drops to about 40fps. With my current settings and no graphics mods on a GTX1060 @1920x1080 the builtin benchmark at Spa gives an average of 88 fps and min 67 fps. Is there anything you can do to optimise this in the forests or can you suggest any settings to tweak?
a 1060 might be a little short !
I haven't dug into David's work on texture, i'm sure it's pretty well optimized, but might still be denser and heavier than kunos tracks, like most mods.

If you are using any CSP effects, that could also affect performance
On the other hand, CSP did some optimization... (i wouldn't know which and what to change to be honest)
In short my answer is crap ^^
Firstly, the track is 4 years old so I'm going to struggle to give you a meaningful answer, I'm afraid.

I do know that I optimised the track as much as I could (or as much as I knew how to). I guess that the parts where you notice a drop in FPS coincide with a change in elevation, an opening up of the view, and so more trees, vegetation and other assets become visible. I found there always had to be a balance between performance and aesthetics, and whilst great framerates are always desirable, I was also trying to prevent trees from popping in, or low resolution textures from spoiling the overall feel.

I run a GTX1080 through VR (when I do occasionally use AC) and have no issues maintaining 60 fps around the whole track, with 24 cars. Again, I have to find a balance between performance and visuals, which means going without some of the more GPU intensive CSP effects, but that is a price I am willing to pay.
Is there any kind of seam between pieces of physical mesh there? If so it could be a car collider problem... although that was a ~2015 AC problem that I haven't encountered in years.
There is a join between two areas of road mesh, yes, but all the verts are snapped to their adjacent neighbours.

All I know is that in over 40,000 km of testing and racing, I have never had any issues with invisible objects or rogue collisions.

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