Aidan Keranen
League of Legends Play by Play Caster
this is the content i stay up for till 3:30 in the nightIt's all been done and won, bit of a twist to end the season
Should be up soon.
Reversed grid? double points? Success for tobi?It's all been done and won, bit of a twist to end the season
Should be up soon.
Success for tobi?
First of all, thanks to @Aidan Keranen for hosting this series, brought on of the most fun series back to the forum games and gave something to look forward to over the week
Now, there isn't much wrong with the format itself, 2 quick races a week is good enough and requires way less time than commentating a whole race like in the original ffg. What both these series have in common is a problem which isn't easy to fix: the car upgrades/setups. Over the past ffg seasons we saw a meta develop that either the team who got lucky to win races early snowballed on to dominate the championship or teams just fully gave up on quallifying, focussed purely on race bhp and eventually created such an overspeed that they could win races while starting on the last row, now although it's an effective strategy imo it isn't realistic and although i wouldn't call it toxic, it's surely not healthy for the series as teams who tried something else earlier have almost no chance of catching up eventually. The capped of BHP upgrades and the resets every round killed that strategy, but it kinda forced us to another path, the 50/50 split worked well for prifelli, but as i had to test keimola i could also test out some tactics and i noticed that focussing on qually bhp was practically the way to go. I noticed that if you ended up higher on the grid, but didn't spend everything on qually you would have enough horsepower in the races to compensate the overspeed teams running mostly race bhp have, making you able to stay in front while they struggle to get up the grid. And as we can judge from the skills graph in the first post, eventually most of us caught on to that idea. I wouldn't say the setup resets is essentially bad, but i think it needs some adjustments to make different strategies viable instead of forcing 1 kind of meta. I'm not quite sure what could fix it, but i'm defenitely gonna put some thought into it to see if this problem can be fixed
Tldr: series is great, setup rules just need some adjustments to make more strategies viable
I was waiting for this suggestion tbhAlso perks for BRT.