AC Fat-Alfie Championship Round 1@Bilster Berg, Wed 18th September 2024

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Fun race!

No pb's today, but some great close racing with Allan.

No long story this time due to time (although it could have been one, maybe later, something with a dying pc an hour before practice, mouse dropping ten second from the light, leaving all kinds of apps open on the screen (girl to the rescue part one), chasing and racing Allan, a dying headphone (girl with powerpack and cable to the rescue part two) and trying to find a point to get past the very hard working Allan in the renault, was great fun!

So, thanks Han, congrats podiums and see you next week!
Man, I'm happy to be back! And what a banger to come back to!

Excellent race from everyone, track was super technical but produced such nice battles all around.
Having 4 cars with very different characteristics while balanced is also helping in the battle department.
I just wish the Suzuki had a little turbo. Doesn't have to be a big one, just a small one to help with the hills and straights and I would be very happy. :laugh:

José, Paulo and in the end Kimi, excellent fighting all around. I can see the progress since my last race in July. I think I have some catching up to do. ;)

If the next race in 2 weeks delivers half of what we got tonight I will be very happy.
Thank you Han for hosting, see you next week!

- Ricardo
Good start to the championship.

The first 40 minutes felt like a mathematical formula Rico. Driver a with car x and consistency z against driver b with acceleration y, corner speed 7 and braking distance P = ???.

You solved the puzzle and deservedly won the fight! :thumbsup:

Congratulations to the top 3. See you next time. :)
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@HF2000 Could you add the skin links to the OP? or else we run the risk of losing the thread of where all is.

Idea: Han could put the paintwork in a skinpack, publish it as a "community skinpack" for example, new ones could then be added there. There would only be one link and everyone would be automatically informed when a new paint job was added and Han made an update.

And you could advertise the races with: “Bring your own livery”.

Just an idea.
Idea: Han could put the paintwork in a skinpack, publish it as a "community skinpack" for example, new ones could then be added there. There would only be one link and everyone would be automatically informed when a new paint job was added and Han made an update.

And you could advertise the races with: “Bring your own livery”.

Just an idea.
Good idea! I will do that.
Great race and also really hard congrats to Thomas amazing race specialy on the 2nd half the gap closed fast af and your pace was better but thanks to some unattackable corner i was safe unless an error, also congratz to Rico for p3 :thumbsup:, liked alot this track but the turn 16 was just a survival experience :roflmao:. a special note to Han please make Brushied a part of this is a must on a championship like this .
Great race and also really hard congrats to Thomas amazing race specialy on the 2nd half the gap closed fast af and your pace was better but thanks to some unattackable corner i was safe unless an error, also congratz to Rico for p3 :thumbsup:, liked alot this track but the turn 16 was just a survival experience :roflmao:. a special note to Han please make Brushied a part of this is a must on a championship like this .
Hi Fulvio,

Brushied is a great track indeed but this championship is a tribute to Fat-Alfie so I want to limit it to his tracks.
But if there are more drivers here that like another championship on road tracks like Brushied, I can set that up together with some other similar tracks. As you might know, I have now about 850 tracks installed which I'm testing for use in my events. That of course takes a lot of time but I have already seen some tracks that will suit such a championship.

So to all, if you like the idea for a another championship on road tracks like Brushied, please give this post a "love".
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Thanks all for racing last night. I think most of you had exciting battles. I had only a few but an exciting race keeping the distance to Ernie of about 4 seconds which made me improve my PB from 1.55.3 in qually to 1.53.7.
I couldn't close the gap to Bouke and Allan but could achieve about the same pace in the second stint.
A hard track for the Abarth but even more for the Renault.

For who has doubts about his choice of car, you can deregister from the championship and register again with a different car. Of course the results of the first race are gone then.

The next races will be interesting. The Renault will be very strong but the coming tracks don't have off track parts so it will be a challenge to keep the car out of the fences.
What a race..For this championship race i,ve decided to go with the Renault Turbo instead of my beloved Mazda.A couragous and challenging move i think considering how much of a pace i have in the Mazzy..
After a few tweeks and laps i,ve just about got it dialled in so with that, i knew i would,nt be in the top 5 (Yet),but i do like a challenge..Qualified 8th 😳😳,Hmmm chose wrong Al, nope im going for it..
Gained quite a few places off the line,entered turn 1 ok pulling away then suddenly i was spun..Racing incident but it put me back a bit..Rest of the race i was trying to keep Bouke off my rear :cautious: :cautious: he seems to like rubbing my practice, in the race....moving on..Finished 7th which was roughly what i thought so happy with that,this track is not really for this the next 1,s should be a bit more of a threat (I Hope)..
Congrats to Podium,im coming for you..:roflmao::roflmao::p:p:cool::cool:;). Untill the next 1...

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