Hello, I am new to modding in F1 2021 (I started my first livery ever 2 days ago) and I am in general an amateur when it comes to Photoshop, I've already made a fully working and good looking livery as well as Driver Helmet, Driver suit with boots and gloves.
I've moved on to working on Racecrew and Pitcrew overalls. Jburo doesn't have the correct format of the .dds files for Racecrew overalls as in F1 2021, Racecrew clothing is split into seperate files and you have to change each one. So, for racecrew, I just took the myteam shirt.tif dds whatever and exported it and then edited it on Photoshop without any guidelines or wireframe . Obviously, after I finished, I saved it as a .dds with all the correct/good settings for F1 custom clothing and I imported the file onto "myteam_racecrew_shirt_d.tif" inside of the F1 2021 garagecrew.erp in animation_package ----> scenes -----> garagecrew. I saved the .erp obvs and I overwrote anything that it asked me to.
My problem is that the overalls just don't appear when I load onto my testing save, the overalls (and the headphones which I also changed) are the default myteam ones and not the ones I created. Why is it like that? I scoured the internet for a fix, but I can't find anything for that specific issue.
The same goes for pitcrew overalls, I did all the correct steps for getting my custom pitcrew helmet into the game and this time I used the 3D models from Jburo and all that, but its just a black helmet when I went to test and my helmet is supposed to be red with sponsors. Also obviously I have the same issue with my actual pitcrew suit, its supposed to be black, but its the default game created for me. I posted several images showing my erp stuff, perhaps I made a mistake or forgot something there?
NOTE: I am not sure what to do with the "_n" or "_s" or "_m" .tifs for any of these things. I know they have to do with texture and the finish, but I tend to avoid working on those because I am a PS amateur and I can screw smthn up easily.
NOTE 2: For some of those _m or _s .tifs I used a blank _s layer file thing that I created from photoshop (its basically an 8x8 pixels image that is transparent/blank), I learned this from Tom97 from youtube, its incase if you don't want a certain texture or something.
Pitcrew suit:
Pitcrew helmet:
(I just noticed the wireframe is on the skin for some reason, will have to fix that)
(I think I used the blank _s layer thing file for this one)
(used the blank _s thing for this one)
SORRY FOR THE SUPER LONG REPLY, I am just worried that I screwed smthn up and I am making all of these skins for a friend of mine, I appreciate any feedback or help, I hope this gets a fast reply. I tried to be as thorough as possible with explaining my issue, it's probably a simple fix, but I'll rather be thorough than not thorough when explaining my issue.