driveroz247 Are you sure about this? There are some XML files that show 18 dynamic weather systems and each of them have their own chance. I figured out four dry dynamic settings, which are "scenario_dynamic_f", "scenario_dynamic_m", "scenario_dynamic_q" and "scenario_dynamic_p". (in the tod.xml file) But im not sure what they exactly have to do with what weather we will get in the race.
What i think is that when you set "scenario_heavy_rain" prob="0.0" to a higher value than zero, it triggers the 18 different dynamic weather setups which include rain. So for example when you set heavy rain chance to 0.1 and set scenario_dynamic_d (lets say this scenario gives 100% rain) to 0.1, you'll have something like 0.1x0.1=0.01% chance of a 100% rain chance. Of course these values dont work exactly as I say they do, but I think its something like this.
Correct me if i'm wrong!