Man, that is a shame.
It's a bit silly to worry about track legalities though, imo.
Has a sim racing site ever been sued for such a thing?
I'm still in anyway.
It's RD's policy to only use legal tracks both for a legal POV even though it is unlikely action would be taken but also from a moral POV, If someone hasn't consented for their content to be used by someone else thus making the track illegal then its not really a good image for RD to be seen endorsing this content.
I'm still in, love Shanghai. The only thing is it won't let me download the track. It says I have exceeded my download limit for today. It kept saying that yesterday also. I thought by today it would have re set? I also need to download the Porsche mod and can't do that either. What do I do?
Not sure. Give Dave a PM. I can upload mirror the track for you if you wish .