Hum I checked everything I could, it seems ok, I'll test this afternoon at home to see how it goes in real conditions .
Could you tell me what game you're using, if the display in the screen list refreshes when you're in a race, and eventually send me the "simhub.log" file ?
I tried both AC and RBR and none of them showed rpm in the display and LEDs didn't worked either, all the other screens worked. When I was in AC I did a screenshot of SimHub while I was pushing the throttle and yes, it shows data perfectly.
This is the log file:
There is a warning who repeats all the time:
[2017-03-17 14:46:00,122] WARN - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.DisplayManager_SevenSegment.DisplayScreen(PluginManager pluginManager, Screen firstscreen, Screen currentscreen, ISerialDashController dash)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.DisplayManager`1.DisplayScreen(PluginManager pluginManager, List`1 RunningScreens, Int32 CurrentScreenIndex, Double announceTime, ISerialDashController dash)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.DisplayManager`1.ShowDisplay(Boolean gameRunning, IEnumerable`1 displays, Double announceTime, ISerialDashController dash)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin.DataUpdate(PluginManager pluginManager, GameData data)
at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.<>c__DisplayClass104_0.<manager_DataUpdated>b__1()
at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.SecureDo(Action a)