I understand now why it was doing that to the images in the app like how I explained (there was a screenshot too). I don't keep my files in archives I keep them in folders like so:
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\Loeb\livery_44\allthemodstuffhere
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\Loeb\picture.jpg
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\McRae\livery_45\allthemodstuffhere
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\Mcrae\picture.jpg
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\Loeb\livery_44\allthemodstuffhere
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\Loeb\picture.jpg
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\McRae\livery_45\allthemodstuffhere
\\mods\MG Metro 6R4\Mcrae\picture.jpg