Tracks Deutschlandring

I love how Deutschlandring has developed. My first drives were in August 2016 and while it was like an Alpha build, the skeleton was there, for the most part. Like you said, @Fat-Alfie, some tracks you've made have very distinct "sections" and frankly, I really love it like that. For me, it makes the track really feel like an old school track dropped into a country side, or cut out of semi-jungle environment (Thompson). To me, most new tracks feel like a certain sized block of land has been put aside and leveled for an incoming track which falls into that space, cookie-cutter like. Nurburgring GP, Vallelunga, Red Bull Ring and even Silvertone give me that bleh feeling to certain degrees.

You, @LilSki and a handful of other track devs really know that a decent track can be made into a great mod if you spend time making the environment as best as you can. Likewise, some people have chosen pretty sweet track layouts, but the environment was either wrong or too empty or just plainly not there. That's a mod killer, in my opinion.

The hill climbing twisties in the last track sector are awesome on Deutschlandring. The track goes from being a white-knuckled, high-speed road that's quite scary in certain cars to a test of finesse that requires a lot of precision, just before opening up in a mad dash to the finish line. It's almost like Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde, to me. :laugh: :cool:
Yeah it has 3 flavours for me, final corner down the to the tree where you brake (well it was a tree on my super old version, think it has proper brake markers and more trees now :D) which is perilous in the older stuff. Then the middle section which is still high speed but is relentless corner after corner, up towards the second bridge where the final section awaits - the hillclimb, where by then your tyres are cooking and you have to adjust to bringing your speed way down and search for the traction.

Right now the Typ C is in no state to be pushed yet, but the 250F is just as sweet as anything round here, other tracks just don't allow that car to breath properly.
Deutschlandring is all well and good (okay, okay - it's awesome) but you better have plastic pants on when Fonteny gets released. Mark my words, a LOT of wee will come out.
Yeah. Fonteny is pretty intense, at least in its current state. Remains to be seen how blind a lot of those corners and crests will be when everything is fleshed out. :)
Working my way round the 10km trackside with a base layer of 4 different grass types. Once that's all in place I will go round again adding the non-grass vegetation (ferns, bracken, weeds, flower etc)





I love this stage of track making - when you think your track looks pretty good with just 2D grass textures, and then you add some 3D grass and suddenly it feels alive! :inlove:
It's not something I have considered in the past, to be honest. I did find a bit of info about the hill climb event when I started researching this track:



I guess there's no reason why it couldn't be added as a separate layout, just point-to-point. I will consider it once I have the full circuit completed and released.

I finally got round to baking the terrain AO today, complete with all 40,000 trees:




I just need to remove all the real shadows from my terrain texture. It feels great to be making some real progress on this track - I do feel bad that it has taken me this long, though :redface:
I think I am getting somewhere with the ground textures now - it's looking a lot less green and bland, and this only has plain 3D grass for now.

Spectacular work, really looking forward to this beauty :)

Also, I definitely need to drive that mod more often. Great little car.

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