Thanks. To be honest, it took me awhile to find out this hidden setting. Hope that in F1 2013 game, unsafe retired cars will only be removed after several laps.
The problems I see happening with this mod would firstly be only a maximum of 1 safety car deployment per race, since you have changed the max deploy count value to 1. During a race there may be more than 1 accident in the race that requires a safety car to deploy, but because the value has been changed to 1, the safety car will only deploy for the first accident. Secondly, by changing that value to false, the retired car will stay on the track until the end of the race, causing a hazard to other drivers if it is on or near the racing line.
I tried ^^;
<BehaviourRecovery bool="false" />
<BehaviourRetire bool="false" />
<BehaviourHeatVision bool="false" />
but game is down ㅜ.ㅜ
I can't play F1 game
so , I edit again , false -> true
game is ok
Whta's Problem ^^:; Please~~~!!