Misc Delay retirement of damaged cars after collision

With this mod the safety car won't come out because the damaged cars will stay driving around.
And when they stop and try to retire they can't because of this mod so the safety car will come out but this wil end in a loop because the damaged cars will stay on track till the end of the race
I have found a better way to keep the retired cars from disappearing.
Some seriously damaged or stuck cars will be retired but will still be seen in the race until the end or restart of the race. Safety car and red flag are activated as per standard.

I will post the details of the mod if there are 10 or more members showing interest and post here requesting it.
I have found a better way to keep the retired cars from disappearing.
Some seriously damaged or stuck cars will be retired but will still be seen in the race until the end or restart of the race. Safety car and red flag are activated as per standard.

I will post the details of the mod if there are 10 or more members showing interest and post here requesting it.

I'm interested, but why not just share it with everyone rather than requiring a certain number of people show interest?
Thanks to those indicating their interest. I have decided not to post the mod as there may be possible infringement of copyrights. I will post a video instead. Looking forward to F1 2013 game. Cheers !
As some have requested for the mod, I have looked into ways not to touch the main programme. There are some limitations by doing so. Nevertheless, I will post the details of the mod once I have finished testing.
Here is the mod which prevents retired cars from disappearing and keeps the activation of safety car and red flag.

It is by no way perfect but is better than the previous one. If you have changed the line <BehaviourRetire bool="true" /> in ai_driver_config.xml to false, you need to change it back.

In this mod, cars with puntured tyres or damaged front wings will pit for replacement. Cars with other damages but still movable will go off the track and retire. Cars with missing wheels will retire on the spot. These retired cars can be seen until the end of the race or red flag restart.

Retired cars on the track may cause pile-up especially for Monte Carlo. To solve this type of problem, codemasters make them disappear fast.

I have tested the mod in Quick race but guess it is ok for Career Mode. Nevertheless it is always prudent to make backup.

1) Essential changes:

a) In the file ai_choreographer.xml, add remove_unsafe_retires="false" as shown:

<discipline name="race" />
<manager enable="true" remove_unsafe_retires="false" race_start_race_only="true" race_start_distance_1="100" race_start_distance_2="115" race_start_distance_3="10" race_start_distance_4="10" race_start_factor_1="0.01" race_start_factor_2="0.0" race_start_factor_3="0.02" race_start_factor_4="0.02" race_start_factor_5="0.5" race_start_all_1="true" enable_offline="false" min_distance_offline="0.25" max_distance_offline="4.0" max_assist_inside="0.1" max_assist_outside="0.2" min_curve_offline="0.001" />

b) As the retired car/s that trigger/s safety car incident remain in the circuit, safety car may be activated repeatedly until the max no. of incidents allowed in the database.bin is reached. Hence it is necessary to change the values of max_safety_car of track_model to 1 if you don't want repeated activation. Interestingly, safety car incident triggered in the first 3 laps will be kiv and executed after the 3rd lap.

2) Optional changes to minimise the numbers of retired cars and pile-up:

Suggested values in ai_driver_config.xml. You can make changes that suit you.

<scMaxSpeedThroughIncidentZone float="100.0" /> to give sc more power to squeeze thru pile-up

<rtStuckTime float="7200.0" /> give max time for undamaged stuck cars, hopefully more will be recovered

<rtModerateDamageThreshold float="1.0" /> reduce effect of damage

<rtStoppedSpeed float="0.1" /> lower the limit of damaged car speed before it retires. Interestingly a value of 0 will have the same effect of <BehaviourRetire bool="false" and cars would not retire.

<rcRecoveryTimeOut float="7200.0" /> give max time for cars to recover

<rcThresholdSteeringForceToMove float="0.01" /> less force required to move the steering and helps recovering. 0 value is accepted.

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