Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma

Tracks Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma 1.4

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ClimaxF1 updated Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma with a new update entry:

New track lighting

Hi Guys

Special thanks to @racinjoe013 for assisting with this update.

This update is a combination between racinjoe and myself, all credits to @racinjoe013 , I've only made adjustments to the lighting and colors.

Update details v1.4:

- New track side light poles (racinjoe)
- New score board tower lighting (racinjoe)
- General lighting around the track, tents etc (racinjoe)
- Adjusted all track night lighting/colors and intensity...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yes, but no easy way. You would have to edit the kn5 files to add new pit objects and start objects to get the count up to 43. Then you would need to edit the track's ui files and change the number of pitboxes to 43.

If you feel like giving this a try, I made a quick fix for just the NASCAR layout to add the extra pit and starting spots. Just extract the files and overwrite when it asks. Don't worry, I included the original files so you can revert back if there any issues. You just need to delete the two replacement files and remove the '_original' part of the names for the other two files. Or to be really safe, make a backup of the entire track folder first.

If it works, let me know and i'll add the pits to the other layouts. I started with the NASCAR one first since i'm guessing that's the layout you wanted it for.

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