Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma

Tracks Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma 1.4

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ClimaxF1 submitted a new resource:

Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma - RT Sonoma Complete Texture update

Hi Guys

Here is my update for rt_sonoma.

This track was requested by @Sascha Guenther and really want to thank him for the request.

I forgot how good this track is, brings back good memories from AMS1.

He sent me a YouTube video as a reference and surely gave me some work.

The original track is green, I remember this track from AMS1 to be more of a desert type of track which goes perfectly with the video sent.

Just as you guys will...

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not sure if you saw this version of the track. I am not sure if it is more accurate or not. Just giving you a heads up.
not sure if you saw this version of the track. I am not sure if it is more accurate or not. Just giving you a heads up.
The track I updated is the best version
ClimaxF1 updated Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma with a new update entry:

Improved some textures and corrections made

Hi Guys

Some small adjustments and corrections.

Update details v1.1:

- Corrected white and black tire wall upper textures, upscaled too
- Changed blue and yellow tire wall texture to red and white, upscaled too
- Added texture to building wall textures, upscaled too
- Improved green metal roofing texture and upscaled
- Improved brick wall textures and upscaled
- Improved window textures a bit more
- Removed some glow from selected banners
- Some banners tweaked, better...

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ClimaxF1 updated Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma with a new update entry:

Night lighting update

Hi Guys

I've updated night lighting to the best I can, where there are lights track looks perfect.

Known issues:

Some light poles don't light up and do think that some windows and general lighting can be improved.

Unfortunately these changes are not my field.

***There are many talented modders here, please assist to get the lighting perfect, I'm sure the community would aprreciate it***

Update details v1.2:

- Improved night lighting


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Just curious what you mean when you say some light poles don't light up? I had a look at the track and as far as I can see, all the actual light poles do project light and have their bulbs lit. The only other poles around the track are speaker poles so they shouldn't project light. You could make them project light if you wanted the track lit more, but I guess in theory they shouldn't since they are speakers.

As for the windows, that's tough sometimes. If the track creator didn't separate the meshes for the windows from the rest of the building, there's not any easy way to just light up the windows. It can be done but it involves creating a custom emissive for a specific area of a mesh. I've only seen a modder take the time to do that a very small handful of times.
Last edited:
Just an example of what it looks like if you use the speakers as a light source. Needs a little tweaking.



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