FM4 Clio Championship S1

Forza Motorsport 4 (Turn 10 Studios)

I have worked out most the details for the Clio Championship, see below.
I also need some info from anyone interested in signing up, see below.

Car: Renault Sports Clio V6 (Stock)
Assists: To be announced
Upgrades: Banned
Setup: Allowed

Tracks (11)
Sebring International Raceway - Club (1.70 Mi)
Mugello – Club (1.79 Mi)
Sedona Raceway Park – Club (2.02 Mi)
Silverstone - International (2.25 Mi)
Indianapolis - The Brickyard Speedway (Oval) (2.50 Mi)
Bernese Alps – Club (2.52 Mi)
Road Atlanta - Full (2.54 Mi)
Suzuka - West (2.15 Mi)
Twin RIng Motegi - East (1.88 Mi)
Circuit de Catalunya - National (1.85 Mi)
Laguna Seca (2.24 Mi)

  • There will be 1 test event before the Championship starts, points will not be counted for this event.
  • Each race event will be 2 heats, with 10 laps each heat.
  • Heat 1 Normal grid (random I think).
  • Heat 2 reverse grid.
  • It will auto load Heat 2 I have no control over that.
  • Events should be no longer than 50 minutes for both heats.
  • I will set the timeout to 2 minutes after the first person has crossed the line.
  • Teams will be allowed. (It will be the case of picking another driver to make the team up and I will do the points after the race).
  • Events will be once every 2 weeks and start at 8.30pm UK time.
  • This will be open to all Licensed Members.
Info I need from people interested in signing up
Do you want to allow all assists, or just set ones, if so what ones?
Driving/braking line will be turned on as I use it.

How do you want to handle connection issues?
I am thinking allow 10 minutes for connection issues, so that is 1 hour in total, but I would like to hear your ideas. I will open the lobby 10 / 15 minutes before the event starts.

1st 10
2nd 8
3rd 6
4th 5
5th 4
6th 3
7th 2
8th 1
Fastest lap 1

Feedback and Questions
If you have any feedback or questions please post them, I would like to hear them :D.

Signed up

Reserved Numbers
Dylan Hember - 7
Derek McCord - 14
Andrew Skinner - 22

Race Calendar
If the Clio @ Indy is anything like some of the oval races in iRacing, it will certainly be interesting, lol.

I haven't yet done any test runs, but I'm thinking it won't be too bad, as the straights are nice and long and the turns have a bit of banking to help us get round. I think the main issue will be like Wayne has referred to....... opponents, lol.

When you're flying in top gear and need to move left/right to overtake it doesn't take much for you to encounter problems of the 'out of control' variety, lol.

Should be a blast.
Ok. Did a few test laps last night and whilst you're on your own ont he track it's not too bad. Currently in the high 1:06's if memory serves.

I found similar quirks with FM4's track to when I run sessions on iRacing in that Turns 1 and 3 are the ones that will bite you if you don't get them right. Turns 2 and 4 are much more driver friendly and flow nicely even when driving at high speed. Get Turns 1 and 3 slightly wrong on entry and it's either kill your speed or prepare to meet the wall.

The track doesn't have all the little bumps and nuances of iRacings laser scanned offering, but still needs you to concentrate and if you find the right entrances/exits for each corner, good lap times are there to be had.

Should add to excitement once we get a bunch of cars on track. Bring it on.

Right guys, as you may already know Garry's Father is very ill and understandably Garry will not be with us for the next few weeks. What would we like to do in regards to the championship?? I personally think would should postpone the championship until we hear from Garry as its all his work and i think it would be a little harsh to continue without him. I would also just like to wish Garry and his family all the best at this difficult time!
As far as I am aware there no current spots, but we haven't raced for nearly 2 months now as I have been around, to do them.
I will be sending some message out to those that haven't showed up in the past, so some spots may open up.
But for now you can always signup as reserves at this time if you want.

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