AC Classic Cars: Lotus 25@Deutschlandring, Tue 1st August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I was fairly competitive in sectors 1 & 2 but lost out badly in sector 3. I just don't know what I was doing that was losing me nearly 2 seconds! I'll have a look at some onboards. If anyone can spot anything obvious in the replay I'd welcome the feedback

It would be great to have some larger grids but I guess folks are on holiday at the moment.

Steve guessed right and next week we're at Bilster Berg, a never publicly released Fat Alfie track. It's a modern track, the Lotus 25 a real handful here.
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I was fairly competitive in sectors 1 & 2 but lost out badly in sector 3. I just don't know what I was doing that was losing me nearly 2 seconds! I'll have a look at some onboards. If anyone can spot anything obvious in the replay I'd welcome the feedback
Well, sector 1 & 2 is the not so difficult and more about being brave part. While sector 3 is the difficult tricky part. So I'd imagine that is where you would lose time indeed.
For the first 20 mins i was making small mistakes on sector 2 probably by going too fast with Colin behind me. When he pitted i was in more control on the fast S bends and probably a little quicker. I think the 3rd sector is all about not being fast and taking the tightest line in the woods while slowing right down to do so. Not the natural thing to do but worked for me. Another great race Colin, thanks for hosting it but no thanks for the track you have chosen for next week. ;)
I was fairly competitive in sectors 1 & 2 but lost out badly in sector 3. I just don't know what I was doing that was losing me nearly 2 seconds! I'll have a look at some onboards. If anyone can spot anything obvious in the replay I'd welcome the feedback

It would be great to have some larger grids but I guess folks are on holiday at the moment.

Steve guessed right and next week we're at Bilster Berg, a never publicly released Fat Alfie track. It's a modern track, the Lotus 25 a real handful here.
Here's a side by side comparison with my best lap a Mathieu's pole lap. I'm the top video. I'm slightly ahead passing the S3 marker then lose nearly two seconds. Any obvious mistakes?

I appear to be in too low a gear when dropping down the hill and this appears to lose me about 0.5 sec coming out of the first hairpin. The rest of the time just bleeds away somewhere :(

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Here's a side by side comparison with my best lap a Mathieu's pole lap. I'm the top video. I'm slightly ahead passing the S3 marker then lose nearly two seconds. Any obvious mistakes?

I appear to be in too low a gear when dropping down the hill and this appears to lose me about 0.5 sec coming out of the first hairpin. The rest of the time just bleeds away somewhere :(

Humm, I find it hard to see with Mathieu's lap in there.. Without I could see where you are losing time.
I just watched your lap Colin. When you hit the hill climb i noticed are 2 gear changes per straight which of course have to be undone on every hairpin. My second gear was tall enough take me to the end on most of the turns. You're using 4 when I have to use 3. Because you were behind me i could see the lost time on every bend apart from the last one maybe. I think that was the reason, ie gear spacing?

There are a lot of small details where you lose time. The downhill part like you said you lose time braking and are a bit too far (at the bridge) to get on the gas early. Corner after the bridge (fast left) you let go of the gas completely, you need to keep the revs up as much as you can. Next two turns are pretty good. But after that, the right left turn, you can carry more speed through there and trail brake a bit. Same for the long left one, you can carry more speed there, trail brake, keep the revs up. Then the long right one, not the best line, because you go wide and can only go on the gas late. Next turns leading up to the final turn go can also go faster and finally the final turn you are really late on full throttle and that costs you a lot there.

Everything uphill is an extra penalty if you don't get it right, the time difference will be accentuated. So yes, looking at your replay I see why you lose 2 seconds there. All small details that make up the time together. Maybe compare it to my pole lap (bar the last corner which I messed up) as Mathieu has a more sideways driving style.

About the gear ratio, you asked about mine during practice in the chat. I used the same one for the race as well. It is longer and you need to keep the revs up and be on the throttle asap to compensate.
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Denis was now on my tail. I was very surprised to see him there considering his single lap pace was two seconds slower.

All my laps, including quali were on a full tank of fuel. :)

During the race I did beat my quali time by a good margine, but still a long way off your pace Laurent. I'm happy with my race pace though. I was able to mix it with you guys (or hang on to your coat tails) for most of the race. Until I was too eager on exit once too often, that is. I had a half spin which ended with me head on to the barrier. My shifter selects reverse by wiggling it left and then selecting 6th.... which all costs time.

I also lost a shed load of time in the pits when I overshot my pit box by 50/60 meters. But overall, the race was a big improvement for me, so I'm very happy.

WD to all who finished - esp Laurent and Mathiue.

Thanks to Colin and to RD for the race and hope to see you all (and hopefully a few more) next time. :)
All my laps, including quali were on a full tank of fuel. :)

During the race I did beat my quali time by a good margine, but still a long way off your pace Laurent. I'm happy with my race pace though. I was able to mix it with you guys (or hang on to your coat tails) for most of the race. Until I was too eager on exit once too often, that is. I had a half spin which ended with me head on to the barrier. My shifter selects reverse by wiggling it left and then selecting 6th.... which all costs time.

I also lost a shed load of time in the pits when I overshot my pit box by 50/60 meters. But overall, the race was a big improvement for me, so I'm very happy.

WD to all who finished - esp Laurent and Mathiue.

Thanks to Colin and to RD for the race and hope to see you all (and hopefully a few more) next time. :)
You would gain a lot of lap time running qualifying with less fuel on board!

Glad the practice paid off for you! More than 3 race lengths :confused: I saw Allan and Colin did the same, I don't have that amount of time unfortunately.
You would gain a lot of lap time running qualifying with less fuel on board!

Glad the practice paid off for you! More than 3 race lengths :confused: I saw Allan and Colin did the same, I don't have that amount of time unfortunately.
We need it - clearly you don't. ;)
Fair play to you.
I think it works well when you don't practice and we do. :D

There are a lot of small details where you lose time. The downhill part like you said you lose time braking and are a bit too far (at the bridge) to get on the gas early. Corner after the bridge (fast left) you let go of the gas completely, you need to keep the revs up as much as you can. Next two turns are pretty good. But after that, the right left turn, you can carry more speed through there and trail brake a bit. Same for the long left one, you can carry more speed there, trail brake, keep the revs up. Then the long right one, not the best line, because you go wide and can only go on the gas late. Next turns leading up to the final turn go can also go faster and finally the final turn you are really late on full throttle and that costs you a lot there.

Everything uphill is an extra penalty if you don't get it right, the time difference will be accentuated. So yes, looking at your replay I see why you lose 2 seconds there. All small details that make up the time together. Maybe compare it to my pole lap (bar the last corner which I messed up) as Mathieu has a more sideways driving style.

About the gear ratio, you asked about mine during practice in the chat. I used the same one for the race as well. It is longer and you need to keep the revs up and be on the throttle asap to compensate.
Cheers, I'll have another go and see if I can put that into practice.

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