AC Classic Cars: Lotus 25@Bremgarten, Tue 11th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
i cannot look at brakes and i cannot look at speed, but i can look at application of both.
I think you cannot simplify it by saying, when the throttle is applied, it is no different to me.
These fast guys, Allan and Laurent are about, I think, a whole package, there is the extra skill everywhere.
You will need MoTeC to try and quantify it, but both Allan and Laurent are very skilful around the whole track.
I think it is a complement to us norm's that the difference cannot be seen visually, we will have to make do with that.:p:p
But if we can get a MoTeC then i know a man who is very good at dissecting it all.

Just to mention, if you add Colin, Dennis, Richard and my fastest section you are not far off Laurent, perhaps that is what it is about , the skill to put that repeatedly into the whole lap, and then consecutive laps and keep it on the road.

My observations tell me he gets the nose of the car to be more compliant, ensuring it points where it should on every corner, certainly over me.:O_o:
Going on the power on the apex will be it indeed.

I'm not using telemetry, I often think I should, but I don't even bother much with setup.

Well, I believe the setup I used is the one that Reik actually shared when we raced at Battenbergring. I saw it in my folders and loaded that one. So credits go to him. It's just the right amount of loose for me. I didn't change it for this race.
Is this the setup you used...

Shaved a bit of time off my best but it's very loose!
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Is this the setup you used...

Shaved a bit of time off my best but it's very loose!
That's the one! I know when I tried that setup at Battenbergring it immediately clicked. I think I had the pole there and it was very tight with Reik in the race and we finished less than a second apart.

I would say it is a bit loose but not that loose. Anyway, works for me.
I tried that setup before the race and one thing struck me about it. Car felt very light on the road and was so much lighter on the steering forces i could not get my head around its grip possibilities. I was obviously wrong and it would of been less effort to steer the thing for an hour also :unsure:
The coast is more of a stability thing, reducing it makes the car turn more easily, increasing it makes the car more stable at the rear. because i cannot get the message of what is happening, to doing something about sudden oversteer, it helps.
But the penalty is a slow to turn car.
You can destabilise the rear for corner entry and then play with coast and power to regain some control of the car. in the end AC is driver based.
Like yourselves i can get into the 23's but cannot get that extra second, but like i said we can collectively, but not as "yet" individually, so for all of us it is doable but not every corner in every lap, lap after lap.
My setup is "totally" different from the one posted above, but are lap times are similar, says it all.
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