Congrats to all podium player´s another awesome performance.
And a big thank you to admins for all the effort and fun.
Had a steep learning curve this last week
, I had only one wet session before and
that was a couple off years ago. Couldn´t even have 4 -5 laps consistency with out a misstake.
At the end even start mess with the rig , Saturday afternoon change my brake rubber from 85 to 65 made my have a better/ smother feeling with the brakepedal.
Lady luck was on my side at race start, gamble with a damp/dry set up and it worked
so that made my change my mind and stay out until think it was 20 min mark.
One more gamble with the same set up with fresh new blue tyre´s and red brake pads
and still it worked
coming out as 8th and could hold my distance to 9th manage to catch up with 7th and 6th the last 2 - 3 laps as they seems to have tyre problem. And after a while there
was a opportunity to pass and go for 7th place crazy.