
Tracks Battenbergring 1.1.1

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Cracking track, and in reply to your question in my review @Fat-Alfie . The stutters and frame drops occur in exactly the same places, I'll make a note and see if I can put a replay together with the OpenXr Toolkit frame counter so you can see just where they happen. I'm just testing the track right now as I've recently switched to the latest versions of Pure and CSP (1.79 preview) so want to be sure if there's any performance loss with them in place.
That would be great, thanks. Sometimes I can gain a few FPS by reducing the number spectators / pinecones / track debris objects at a certain spot on the track, or check if I can reduce the number of trees that are drawn by the game engine. I can investigate more once I know where to look.

Thanks for taking the time, though - it'll be a real help. All of the other bugs have been corrected - I just need to do a 30 minute "testing session" tonight, against the AI, in the Maserati 250F 12 cylinder :laugh:

It is necessary to do testing, honestly! :x3:
That would be great, thanks. Sometimes I can gain a few FPS by reducing the number spectators / pinecones / track debris objects at a certain spot on the track, or check if I can reduce the number of trees that are drawn by the game engine. I can investigate more once I know where to look.

Thanks for taking the time, though - it'll be a real help. All of the other bugs have been corrected - I just need to do a 30 minute "testing session" tonight, against the AI, in the Maserati 250F 12 cylinder :laugh:

It is necessary to do testing, honestly! :x3:
No problems, I've been banging my head in Unreal5 for a VR project so it'll give me a break to be honest ;-) and there's always a need for the Maserati.
Sublime work, as usual. I still see some solid black spectators (no textures), which also happens to me with other of your tracks. Any idea where the problem could lie?
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CSP settings, I'm afraid. I think it's caused by one of Track Options to do with reducing the number of spectators.

As a test, disable CSP and see if you still see the black silhouetted people.
CSP settings, I'm afraid. I think it's caused by one of Track Options to do with reducing the number of spectators.

As a test, disable CSP and see if you still see the black silhouetted people.
Is that what causes those black spectators. Always knew it was a CSP thing, just never knew why. One of the reasons I never upgraded my CSP version beyond 177.preview1. Guess i'll have to try the latest version again with that track adjustment option turned off and see if that fixes it. Thanks...
That would be great, thanks. Sometimes I can gain a few FPS by reducing the number spectators / pinecones / track debris objects at a certain spot on the track, or check if I can reduce the number of trees that are drawn by the game engine. I can investigate more once I know where to look.

Thanks for taking the time, though - it'll be a real help. All of the other bugs have been corrected - I just need to do a 30 minute "testing session" tonight, against the AI, in the Maserati 250F 12 cylinder :laugh:

It is necessary to do testing, honestly! :x3:
Okay, tested over a number of laps, both with PPoff and PPon, and I get upwards of a 30 frame drop at times where there are a lot of trees around, starts at T1 through to the first long straight. As soon as you are out of the trees its back at a rock solid 90fps. When you hit the sweeping turns lined with trees that's whne it drops to 75 fps and sometimes as low as 60. I'll try and get the replay sorted with the FPS counter from OpenXrToolkit up or the built in csp one.


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What I did to fix the problem was to rename and or people-sit, (sorry I don't remember now if those are the exact names of the files, but can be found in the track data folder) to anything different. That way those spectators disappear.
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Good afternoon

I seem to have a strange problem with Feldbergring, plume of orange smoke just past the start line. Any ideas for a fix ? I'm running CSP 1.79 preview 5 if that helps.


That looks like it is being caused by an after-market CSP ext_config.ini - not part of my track, at all.

I didn't release the track with any kind of CSP support, so that orange smoke must be the work of someone else, who has decided to 'improve' the track :rolleyes: Sorry... :coffee:
@Fat-Alfie Did another test of the track this time in flatscreen to see if VR was a major cause of the dropp in frames per second. As you can see in the pics, I get the same sort of 10% drop (sometimes more) in the same sort of places. Hope these help.
battenbergring fps test1.jpg
battenbergring fps test2.jpg
battenbergring fps test3.jpg
battenbergring fps test4.jpg
@Mauser118 , can I ask what GPU you use? It seems to be when you are deep in the trees that your FPS drops, so I wonder if the three 4k textures that I use for all of the trees is the issue. I can send you some 2k copies to try, if you like.

In theory, if the trees are obscuring everything else in the distance, AC should not need to render those objects, so I doubt the problem is there are too many objects at that particular point on the track.
@Mauser118 , can I ask what GPU you use? It seems to be when you are deep in the trees that your FPS drops, so I wonder if the three 4k textures that I use for all of the trees is the issue. I can send you some 2k copies to try, if you like.

In theory, if the trees are obscuring everything else in the distance, AC should not need to render those objects, so I doubt the problem is there are too many objects at that particular point on the track.
@Fat-Alfie I'm running a 3080ti with an i9 1100k and 64gigs of ram and reverb g2 for VR. I'm wondering if there is an issue with the culling. If you want to send me some 2k textures to try out I'm more than willing to do another round of tests and see what the results are. The drops aren't anywhere as noticable in flat screen as they are in VR.
@Fat-Alfie I'm running a 3080ti with an i9 1100k and 64gigs of ram and reverb g2 for VR. I'm wondering if there is an issue with the culling. If you want to send me some 2k textures to try out I'm more than willing to do another round of tests and see what the results are. The drops aren't anywhere as noticable in flat screen as they are in VR.
I'm on a 3070ti with a reverb g2 and I've found a few framedrops to be present on most FA tracks. I've always assumed it just the amount of details/objects presentand I have reduced vr resolution a bit to compensate, but it might be vram/texture related. Although on a 3080ti you should have plenty I would think?

In the newest csp there is some settings that really improves framerates at the cost of some visual artifacts in the peripheral vision.


Fat-Alfie updated Battenbergring with a new update entry:

Battenbergring v1.1

fixed the physical pit lane error - thanks fmg
corrected typo on Adler banner - thanks Sascha Guenther
fixed spectators poking through banners - thanks twobegreen
fixed floating house in village - thanks Please Stop This
altered church roof / added weather vane - thanks AccAkut
adjusted AI spline boundary edges to reduce crashing of AI
fixed camera set 1 and added new camera set 2 - thanks FFF789
altered LOD OUT for most objects to slightly improve FPS performance - thanks...

Read the rest of this update entry...