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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
Password: click here

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I test the events and have an idea of how good they can be, the same works goes into an event if there are 30 guys racing or just 1 signed up, I have to say it can get a bit depressing to see few sign ups after all the work i put into the club events across RD. but that's life.. :(

So i call out to all drivers.....
All i can suggest is sign up early and tag guys to get them involved..
take an active part in keeping the club going, I cant do it all on my own
i hear you Rupe and thanks from all of us for the effort you put into these events.
It's summer time down here in NZ and these Saturday races are sunday morning 9o'clock so normally i get up and see what the weather is doing before committing to race.Once again its another beach day after starting out crappy so it was perfect for me.
So many of you now talking about yesterday˙s event, but I went to sleep, because no one, except Angelo, was on the list :(.

(to the last minute I didn`t know, if I be able to join and that˙s the reason, why I wasn`t signed in time)
I am really sorry to hear/see that there was so few of us attending to this race. My self had a family dinner in the evening so I could not attend.
I feel sorry for you Rupe because you are doing a great job and maybe should it help some if we also inform that we are not able to attend and this we have to do as soon as possible so all other drivers who intend to drive can see how many of us have signed up. Of course there can be Changes, thats Life but this I think could be a solution.
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