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Bram Hengeveld

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Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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I try to alternate them every week :)
Last week we ran the karts as we had very few signup for the V8 on the track i chose, (it was a difficult track i agree)
so we gave the karts a run out on the track which was very popular.
as a lot of guys wanted to run the karts again, we ran them on Saturday night again on a new track.

I am looking at setting up as new system for next month were each of the race night we will run a different class of car and change it every week.

Mon 3rd - Mini
Wed 5th- V8
Thu- 6th - shifter Kart
Sat 8th- Open wheeler
Mon 10th - Open Wheeler
Wed 12th - Mini
Thu 14th - V8
Sat 16th- Shifter Kart
Mon 17th- Shifter Kart
Wed 19th - Open wheeler
Thu 20th - Mini
Sat 22nd-V8
Mon - 24th- V8
Wed - 26th - Shifter Kart
Thur - 28th - Open wheeler
Sat -1st - Mini
what a fast flowing track for the karts, really good fun, great lap times set by the guys, (where do you find the speed)
don't tell me i know "in the corners" :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Real good fun, all the same, even with the little safety kart problem, that was a pity sorry guys:(
but once we got racing for the most it was great fun, we had 3 races planned for the night, (even that was a suprise by the time we got to race 3)

Ok guys that got a DQ
im racing i dont know why you got a DQ i know its frustrating ive been there myself, but asking for reasons why when we are all trying to drive in a race, i almost crashed trying to explain and race at the same time..
I set the events up a lot of them in the week and like to race them myself, but often find i loose out due to trying to sort out problems whilst your all
practising getting ready to race.
so please
don't expect long answers over t/speak whilst a race is ongoing.. Im already doing my best..:)

If the
safety kart hit you whilst we waited to start the race and knocked you about, this could of triggered a drive through then you have 3 laps to do it , This is not the norm and was out of my hands. I did not see this or get this in testing, and should not of happened (sorry for this):(

If you jump the start or cut the track you may be given a drive through you then have 3 laps to do it or you get a DQ.
If you quit the game and leave the server you cant rejoin it once we are in a race session, so as we run a
multi event that means you cant rejoin for race 2 or 3 for example..
Do not leave the server once we start racing sit in the pits for race 2
same again sorry if you
lag out or your pc crashes,
we don't restart races if one guy drops out sorry :(
reason for this is not every body plays fair at times and in the past we have seen poor starts followed by pressing escape and then trying to get the race restarted saying they have lagged out.. so again we
don't restart races,
i am sorry if you do
lag out or your pc crashes at the start of the race and you miss the event.

Race 2 is a reverse grid lots of pressure on the guys at the back of the field in race 1 as they now have a front row start.. Go for it guys dont hold back race your race Drive as hard and as fast as you can , you don't need to let guys through, the fast guys who start at the back will or may catch you but trying to let guy through can cause problems right at the start.. drive off the line and go for it, by the time they catch you the field will or could of spread out a bit..
So my advice to you all is drive Don't look back, just Drive ...

Race 3 now that was different, to start with i was ready to race, then found out only the tip 6 drivers were racing in a short 9 min event instead of 15 mins ,,
So there was the feeling of Noooooo i want to race but then as the guys who were left on t/speak sat there we got to see a really good race of the top 6 guys, a final shoot out ..
great racing guys it looked amazing and real close.. the last 2 laps were a cracker. 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th all real close.

i think Jarek lost out due to the damn safety car do stupid thing at the start and gave him a drive through.. sorry mate:(
I have already posted to the track maker about this problem.;).
need to see if there is a fix or something to avoid this in the future.. im sure its track related.. as this was not a problem on other tracks ..

so a great night of fun...
Shifter Karting is cool and thanks to all that join, it may not of been your number one choice, but once you get racing we all see to agree its great fun when it works well...:):thumbsup:

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I hope the new rota gives us all a chance to race what we like at some point in the month..
ive been trying the shifter kart on most of the default tracks inside of gsc and they al seem to work ok
with a couple of exception real long straights can be a dragg but the twisty bits a great fun,
Some of the tracks are hard in the more powerful cars but are great for karts,,
Club racing should be fun not pulling your hair out as it very hard or nee on impossible to race in a pack..
the track Ribeiro Preto 2010 Stock car. hard for club racing in powerful cars but the shifter karts are great.
once you learn how to get of the grass in the pits.. the track comes to life in the little karts..
think this is a great track and we will use for the next shifter kart race.
Drive as hard and as fast as you can , you don't need to let guys through,

I guess that's OK if you think you can run mid pack but if you are 4 seconds off the pace of AI (and more than 4 compared to Guss) I felt it was better to pull over at the start, so it's obvious what I was doing, and let the fast boys through.
If I had raced from pole there was a strong possibility of a pile-up in that first corner as my entry was much slower than others. I feel I can learn more by following those just ahead of me rather than trying to avoid contact in the mid-pack.

I guess that's OK if you think you can run mid pack but if you are 4 seconds off the pace of AI (and more than 4 compared to Guss) I felt it was better to pull over at the start, so it's obvious what I was doing, and let the fast boys through.
If I had raced from pole there was a strong possibility of a pile-up in that first corner as my entry was much slower than others. I feel I can learn more by following those just ahead of me rather than trying to avoid contact in the mid-pack.
I was slow too, but I raced from 2nd place with the reverse grid. It's the job of people behind not to go into the back of you. I just drove as I could, and when a faster guy got a run on me, I left them space or went on a wider line through a corner to let them through without contact - I didn't fight too hard. But even if I did, that's my right, so long as I am not blocking or swerving etc. The onus is also on the faster guys to overtake safely; we all need to respect each other on track no matter our skill levels.

In real racing, they hardly just pull over and let people through just because they are faster. I remember the Blancpain Endurance race at Nurburgring last year; For half hour Buhk in the Mercedes was fighting to get past a slower BMW. Eventually he made it through, but the point is we don't need to just roll over, as long as we fight fair.

It worked for me. I had a clean race, I didn't spoil anyone else's races and faster guys respected my position on track too. It was a ton of fun, and exactly how it should be.
Dave, I don`t agree with you. Of course, you don`t need to race with other guy like you fight for your life ;), just race as fast as you can on your racing line and faster one will pass you ... or not :). I beleve, we are all expirienced and mature enough not to ruin somebody`s race just to be 7th instead of 8th. Well, I hope so :thumbsup:.

Here is an example from yesterday`s race, when Tobias was obviously faster than me because better exit from last curve (even we drove almost same lap times all the time). I stayed on my racing line and didn`t fight with him, because that could resulted accident. I rather let him go and waited my chance for overtake in next laps.

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At the end of the day you race how you like but don't feel pressured that you have to pull over, the track is wide enough for multiple lines through the corners.
On a tight twisty kart track there is one good line and this does take some skill, (ive yet to find it) so you not alone.
But by using the car tracks we have room enough for all, The fast guys realise that if the catch you at speed you are not going to be going as fast through the corners so they wont sit on your bumper and then knock you out the way , as i found out the just drive around you..:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:.
All i try and do is be smooth and predictive in my moves, i don't try to weave about in front of them, hold my line and drive a nice line through the bend.
i will them try to follow as long as i can and try to learn from them..
Above all else club racing should be about having fun, whether you are first or last. Its all about the racing:):)
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