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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Track: Curitiba
Practice: 19:00 GMT (30 minutes)
Qualification: 19:30 GMT (10 minutes)
Warm-up: No Warm up
Race: 19:40 (2x25 minutes)
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ive got a problem... my G27 decided today that its a Logitech Driving Force. I tried different USB ports, reinstalled drivers, restarted pc, but windows just keeps recognizing it as a Driving Force. Pedals dont work this way so I wont be able to drive like this :( Any ideas?
Fun night, great races, sadly i got hit by the safety car too and got a drive thru for trying to reverse back into position in race 3.
But the first two races were pure fun, thanks gentlemen.
after reinstalling the drivers many times it finally recognized my wheel correctly, just a few minutes before qualy ended. I had great races, especially the end of the last one :D More of these please
Those were great races, thanks, everyone! That was my first time in the shifter karts. I've somehow overlooked them until now!

At the start of the third race I got hit by something, too. Luckily, I could press ESC and rejoin the grid.

Sometimes I also get force feedback problems with GSC. This happens when I go from the garage inside the game. I've found a button called "refresh FFB" that I've mapped to a button on my steering wheel. When I press it, force feedback magically gets restored again.
LOL got disqalified for some reason first race now cant get back in what a joke

Dont know why you was DQ, for that im sorry but the way the system works with the race events is you can re-enter after you leave the event..

if i run single events we then cant do reverse grids so we loose that feature.
tonight we had a new sequence, in the 3rd race only the top 6 got to race this is a new feature i new nothing about, even when testing on my own i had not see this ,
had not seen that the safety kart came on track either.(something wrong it should not appear and crash into karts)

its all a test at the moment to see the full potential of the sim.
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