Well done! However, you might want to revise the section on steering lock. Lock is only 1/2 of your total steering rotation when your ratio is 1:1. This a) is not realistic and b) would lead to a horrendous driving experience where you'd have no fine control over steering angle.
Typically, ratios are in the 14-17 range, with "fast racks" being lower, somewhere around 11-12. Of course, these vary wildly and are often variable the farther from center the wheel is turned. To my knowledge, no sim models variable ratios yet.
Taking a race rack at 12.1:1 for example, if you turn your steering wheel 12.1 degrees, the rack with rotate the outside tyre 1 degree. On a 900 degree wheel, you'd need a lock of 37 to achieve the 12.1 ratio. If the car setup screen (or sim in general) allows for a lock setting that high, you'll benefit from having a much wider range of steering per tyre turn degree, allowing for finesse and precision.
Steering lock doesn't seem to come up all that often in the various sim racing communities, and very few mod authors even offer the ratio they were attempting to model. Seeing as how all we really have to go on about how a car "feels" to drive in a sim is the wheel in front of us, the ratio is pretty important. It's likely the biggest impact to a cars driveability and should really be a priority.
Google the ratio of a Caterham 270, head over to
http://steeringlockratiocalculator.com and calculate your lock for your desired wheel degrees, and try it out. The difference can be massive.