Audi Martini Racing - My Team Package

MyTeam Audi Martini Racing - My Team Package 1.3

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MyTeam items for the F1 games
downloaded Modular Mods and then installed the mod and dragged into my open space on my f1 22 files, verified the files, loaded f1 and didnt work. Not sure what to do. Tried this twice.
Hey i love this mod ! Keep up the great work. Are you planning on making the gantry ? Just like for your Toyota mod cause i'd love that ! Thanks
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Hi, I just wanted to first say that the mod is absolutely fantastic and have been using it for 3 seasons. If you have the time, could you maybe do another Audi Sport x Porsche or Porsche with a Mercedes chassis? I really hope you take my requests into consideration please cuz I'm almost at my 4th season and would like a bit of change, an Audi Sport or Porsche on a Merc or Ferrari chassis would be phenomenal. Again, thanks for the mod, btw I forgot to mention the helmet, this is yet the best helmet I've ever seen for F1 yet. Great job! arigatō
downloaded Modular Mods and then installed the mod and dragged into my open space on my f1 22 files, verified the files, loaded f1 and didnt work. Not sure what to do. Tried this twice.
make sure it is the MM Base files and overwrite it. Then drag the erp files that's inside the mod to the ACTIVE folder. Make sure you don't delete the startscreen.erp inside the ACTIVE folder too, if you don't like the Start screen, don't delete it but instead swap it out with the one from the Optional folder. Just make sure you installed the files to the correct path, and check to see if the mod's erp files have to be inside the _ACTIVE folder. Feel free to ask more if you still encounter any problems.
im placing the F1 22 folder inside the copy paste folder, and then its asking me to overwrite which im doing still nothing works in game.
yes i have Modular mods installed

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