If you update CM to the latest version you will get the full 24 hour time range to select from. You *might* need to tick the 'untested' version box - it might still be at the experimental stage.
@fabrizio piedepesante : How do you race with a 24 hour cycle (as advertised) with this mod? I selected a pre-dawn time and ran a long race with 60x accelerated time and the sky did not lighten at all during the race, it remained exactly the same shade. When the race finished it should have been well past midday, but the weather was still pre-dawn. Am I missing something here? Many thanks.
Hey, hey. Wait a moment. I'm not advertising anything, I'm giving out my work for free and trust me I've zero interest in "overselling" something.
Maybe, there is a misundesrtanding. I will check the A4S overview page and if necessary make things more clear.
The mod supports the 24h cycle, and the weathers are dynamically generated on a per
race basis, but obviuosly there is not dynamic weather. The only thing that AC engine does on the "weather side" is to "move the Sun" and "to move the clouds" from the dawn to the sunset. That's it. Also AC will always keep the same weather across the race
sessions even if the time has changed. It is not simply possible now for any weather mod. I hope someone can provide the feauture you are looking for, but I can't.
You correctly noticed that if you select an evening scenario the light will not change; you know why? Because once the Sun reaches the Sunset angle, AC does not allow any further change of sky lighting.
Further I want to be very clear. At the moment A4S does not work online and it works in championships only between 8 and 18. This is not due to Assetto4Season or any other weather mod. Simply at this moment Content Manager does not support the extended time slidebar in Custom Championships (I've discussed the topic with the CM developer and he seems to be willing to bring this feature in the future, but I can't say much more on this) ; as soon as this feature will come, A4S should work as intended in custom champioships.
IN ANY CASE, the "session" limitation still will be there.
Also A4S does not work in online, despite I made some design decisions to allow a "potential online use" (which is anyway not tested because it cannot be tested until the underlaying engine allows it). Again, this is due to the fact that AC was not designed to do the stuff we are doing now. We are reaching the limits.
In summary, thre are things that depend on my mod (crafting the weather on per race basis) and other stuff that depend on CM (such the extended time).
In few months time we will have AC Competizione and there you will have all the stuff you are looking for.
I hope it clarifies.