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Assetto4Seasons 4.1

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Really liking it so far, I find the daytime to be a little too "dim" for my tastes though.
Still, looks nice and adds to the experience.
I have no choose for track : auto
and i cant choose a date
installed with cm
and 4seasons is there
Thanks for this marvelous edition to AC! Seems like a totally different sim.
thank you for your work and all the updates, nice work
la mod funziona anche su oculus (anche se un po troppo satura x i colori sgargianti dell oculus), non selezionare openvr altrimenti i filtri non vanno
suggerimenti: questa configurazione crasha
aggiungere un moltiplicatore saturazione e esposizione, per calibrare il proprio monitor senza modificare decine di parametri nei file lua
very impressive
Excellent. Driving at night with the starts shining... wonderful. Nice weather engine as well that I need to experiment with more. Thank you :)
Thank you very much!
Stunning, excellent work! Thank you!
absolutly amazing! this really change the game on a AC +. thank you very much! you did a awesome job!!
fabrizio piedepesante
Glad you liked it.
for vr: -0.2 saturation, +0.2 brightness, -0.2 contrast
fabrizio piedepesante
Lucio, I'll reply in English.
You already downrated the mod 1 month ago because the "filters do not work in VR". At that time I understood the comment/rating because I had not made clear that VR was not supported (actually I had no idea of issues with VR). Anyway, I replied to you stating that "I do not have any means of testing the mod in VR" and I even put a disclaimer (in bold red) in the A4S overview page stating that I have no idea of how the mod will render in VR since it is not tested at all in such setup.
Now, apparently you are still using this mod. If so, does it make sense to donwrate a mod because it does not work fine in a unsupported setup? I really do not understand it.
Have you found a way to use it in VR? Fine! Open a thread in the forum and give the other users some useful tip.
If you want to contribute to a VR version fo A4S you can open a conversation suggesting your settings. In any case you have to wait until I have a VR gear, or someone else develops a similar mod for VR.
This is one of most beautiful mods i ever seen in AC! It is really works with dynamic lightening mod and you can run easily thought the night! The visuals are also great! Congratulations guys! Many thanks for this!
Is there any bug where tyre smoke isnt generated? It doesn't show any tyre's smoke with this mod.
fabrizio piedepesante
It isn't really a bug, it is a temporary "dessign" choice. At this moment I use "smoke" effects for water effects. The problem is that FOR NOW I have to chosee one or the other, and since I'm investigating some issues (stuttering) with water effects, I chose the water over smoke for testing purposes. In the next release there will be two options: SMOKE_BUT_NO_WATER_EFFECTS and WATEREFFECTS_BUT_NO_SMOKE. In the future the options could be SMOKE_BUT_NO_WATER_EFFECTS WATEREFFECTS_AND_SMOKE.
At the moment if you want to have back SMOKE (and get rid of water effects, performances will benefit as well) thre is a very easy way: go in each folder of the mod and remove the following files:
- tyre_smoke.ini
- tyre_smoke.lua
These visuals are unbelievable. Thank you for your efforts.

Do you have a donation link?

(You have already earned a donation, I will donate generously again if performance can be improved)

Thank you!
fabrizio piedepesante
Thank you, glad you liked it.
No there isn't any donation link, I do not need your money.
Save for AC Competizione ;-).
Tomorrow I'll upload a new release, a significant step forward.
It will bring Improvements in visuals in some specific scenarios along with something much more important...
I can hardly believe it is the same game at all
fabrizio piedepesante
Thank you. Wait for next release, some interesting news is coming
Really great job! Thx so much ;)
Great mod, thanks for making it!
Sembra perfetto ma come faccio a cambiare l’ora? La barra rimane su 8/18 anche se imposto una delle 4 stagioni... come faccio ad es a correre a mezzanotte o altro orario ??
fabrizio piedepesante
Prima di tutto devi avere l'edizione completa di Content Manager (se la barra del tempo è fissa a 8/18 nel menu di gara allora credo tu abbia quella gratuita senza l'"extended time slidebar"). Se invece hai l'edizione completa ed il tuo problema è relativo ai campionati personalizzati, allora devi attendere perché CM ancora non supporta lo 0-24 nei campionati (vedi anche le FAQ).
nice job
really immersive !!

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  • Racing rig

    Votes: 528 35.2%
  • Motion rig

    Votes: 43 2.9%
  • Pull-out-rig

    Votes: 54 3.6%
  • Wheel stand

    Votes: 191 12.7%
  • My desktop

    Votes: 618 41.2%
  • Something else

    Votes: 66 4.4%