Hello. Excellent work, thank you. I am having an issue though which I wonder if you would be so kind as to help me with,if you can find a moment.
Some of the mod cars I have installed do not show up in the 'Select Car' dropdown list. They do appear in Content Manager and AC itself, by the way. I noticed that someone else reported a similar problem, but I don't think it was resolved.
Could this be due to something missing within the definitions of the missing mods? Something that your application looks for in order to include cars in the list?
Some (but not all) of the missing mods won't run in the game. That's was one reason to do engine swaps to see if they would work afterwards.
Thanking you in anticipation.
I have a partial solution to this problem.. there are some flaws. This will only work if you simply want to "engine swap". You need Content Manager and AC Car Tuner.
1. Create a tune for the desired car. Essentially create a new tune by giving it a specific name in AC Car Tuner.
2. Go to the folder in which cars engine you want to use, go to the data folder and copy the power.lut and engine.ini files. Paste these files in the newly created tune in the data folder
2.2. If you dont see the data folder. Go to Content Manager and on the top part you'll see "Content", press that. Find the car and once you've clicked it, you'll see at the bottom right "Unpack data", do that. (You can do this to both of these vehicles if they dont have the data folder.)
3. Now do step 2 again.
4. Now in Content Manager, under the same Content tab, find the desired tuned car you did in step 1 and the click the "Replace sound". Find the car that from which you want to use the sound and voila.
(5. Actually, go back to Content Manager, under Content, and do "Pack data" for the cars you unpacked. You might need to have the "data folder" packed if the mod came that way. Although im not sure, do it for the sake of safety.)
The bigges flaw in this is if you cant find the desired car in AC Car Tuner in step 1...
Another solution that djtopa told me:
Try this:remove x.tuned file from car's folder.Don't know if it works tho...
I have not tried it so I also would not know.