AMS 2 & Modding - Your Thoughts?

Not with me you didn't. Personally I think those who believe a car must be "hard" to drive in order to be "realistic" are absolutely wrong. No, I'm not saying AMS 2 is the most "realistic" sim nor am I interested in a debate about which sim is. I'm simply saying that general "difficulty" in controlling a car is not a mark of whether or not it is like the real thing.

That's why I put very little stock in comments like "compared to [SIM X], this sim doesn't feel right" when debating realism. Who's to say which sim has it right and wrong? A real racing driver with actual real world experience of the cars involved probably could, but an armchair racer? No. Using another sim as a benchmark for "realism" is like saying Call of Duty isn't a realistic depiction of war because it's not like Ghost Recon. :O_o:
We all got our expectations on how a car should behave from watching real world motorsports, the problem is different people looking at the same thing arrive at different conclusions a lot of the time.
I Have those expectations too, some games break the illusion (not always because it feels "too easy" mind you, sometimes it's the reverse i'm spinning and i don't understand why it's happening).

The best compliment i can give AMS2 is that i have fun driving it and it doesn't break my suspension of disbelief, i can catch small slides early and keep going, sure, but specially in more modern Formulas there's a big price to pay if you step over the line big time, it just feels correct to my expectations.

If it doesn't match yours or someone elses, well... too bad, hopefully you'll find something that suits you.
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If you're going to reply to a post, at least bother to take the time to read the whole thing, understand what it means, and write a proper response. Your constant whinging and whining about AMS 2 and those who dare to enjoy the sim is getting very, very old. Not once do you ever add anything constructive or worthwhile. It's just "Bash bash bash, anyone who likes the sims that I don't like is an idiot."

Change the record and learn how to use constructive criticism. Your other troll post has been deleted, as usual.

Oh, and this has been posted before but is quite relevant to your last comment:

Goffik, sei un grande !!!!! Thank you ! :thumbsup:
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quite honestly I dont feel there is much "dimensionality"/depth in the car behaviour in AMS2 when driving on the edge.
At least not for the years to come.:sneaky:
Maybe I was wrong.
After intensively testing a formel car in AMS2 on a track(Suzuka) I know extremely well from Raceroom in a similiar car - Im not so sure I still have the oppinion that the car behaviour (mainly tire model) in AMS2 is more simpel and have less "depth" than in Raceroom.

In some ways the car is slightly easier to control in AMS2 driving on the edge - but Im more and more sure that when you loose control in AMS2 then it is in a slightly more realistic way.
And when you are able to save the car in AMS2 in situations where you would loose it in Raceroom then you often have a feeling in Raceroom that something happened that shouldnt happen.
Because it wouldnt happen in RL.:whistling:
Is it just me, or does AMS2 seem the same as AMS ? I see they made it extremely hard to add tracks & mods. It's going to be their downfall. Modding AMS is what made it so popular. I hardly ever play it. Your thoughts on it !!!!!!
I'll take it without the mods.
Good content hardly needs them anyway.
Mods can be great when done right (ala...RSS, Fat-Alfie, etc...).
At other times they can simply be the biggest PITA to a sim...spawning all kinds of mismatches, incompatibility, etc....
Try getting into any multiplayer race in RF2 with non-397 content.
If it is not a popular mod or the author has numerous revisions, 9 times out of 10 you are SOOL.
It is darn near impossible, without some laborious action of downloading multiple cars and tracks.
In many cases by the time the download is complete, so too is the race.
That is...if the download didn't outright fail.
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I'll take it without the mods.
Good content hardly needs them anyway.
Mods can be great when done right (ala...RSS, Fat-Alfie, etc...).
At other times they can simply be the biggest PITA to a sim...spawning all kinds of mismatches, incompatibility, etc....
Try getting into any multiplayer race in RF2 with non-397 content.
If it is not a popular mod or the author has numerous revisions, 9 times out of 10 you are SOOL.
It is darn near impossible, without some laborious action of downloading multiple cars and tracks.
In many cases by the time the download is complete, so too is the race.
That is...if the download didn't outright fail.

There are ( A lot) more to sim racing than being online.
And the nice things about mods is you can just delete them.
While you can't really get rid of subpar stock content.

I do like modding both trying out others and hacking away on my own.
One thing I know is that all sales stop or slows to a trickle on sims that can't be modded.
Now do they sell enough DLC to make up for that fact I do not know?
But it is a very negative trend I for one will not support financial anymore.
One thing I know is that all sales stop or slows to a trickle on sims that can't be modded.
I'm sorry, but that simply isn't true. R3E is seven years old, has no mods of any kind, and is still turning a profit for the developers with no signs of stopping as yet. Despite what people think, modding does not make or break any game or sim. It's the quality of the game/sim that counts.

What I know is that the majority of people who buy a sim never actually bother with mods at all, available or not.
I'm sorry, but that simply isn't true. R3E is seven years old, has no mods of any kind, and is still turning a profit for the developers with no signs of stopping as yet

That is an example of a sim that is constantly updated and new content released something you do not have to do if mod-able and you will still sell copies.

Despite what people think, modding does not make or break any game or sim. It's the quality of the game/sim that counts.

That is just a dumb statement!
project cars 1 sold very well but was/is a pile of :poop: Quality had nothing to do with the sales!

So you can sell anything but you can't sustain sales for long without constantly updated, which cost money! No locked for modding sims sells after 1-2 years.
And nether will AMS2.
Sure we all like it now, but the best hope for Reiza to make this sim sell in 2021 is somebody smart figure out how to get cars and tracks into it.
Thinking about it i am pretty sure that will not be left to chance and hope!
returning on the thread subject, i totally agree. The lack of mods is a loss for the simracers community
that become a little profit for the makers. If no one mod the imola track, i'll buy imola dlc. Simple as that
But that is seriously a loss for everyone of us
AMS had to give his popularity to the modders community (as weel as AC and RF). Now they clearly discourage modding. That's a shame for us alland, i hope, in the long run, for the makers also
Mods are okay if they can be properly implemented.
I think very highly of the modding community.
It is made up of brilliant folks.
You only have to look at the sheer level of complexity in creating content to see that.
When I go purchase a multiplayer-capable sim, I personally expect to race other humans.
The minute mods (good or bad) start influencing the software's intended purpose, I have no problem with the developer locking it down.
Sure!...I know they're people who will never race it online...and that is okay too.
Good, un-modded content will indeed 'sell' itself, as long as the developer continues to optimize it.
That said; I have no problem with any company who want to lock their product...for any reason.
It is after all ...a business.
I am absolutely in love with ams2, however yesterday i launched up Assetto Corsa to have a go in an F1 2013 mod, (because im a big McLaren MP4/26 7 8 fan) and i do really miss the opportunity too drive this in this Sim, i sort of hope someone finds a way to work arround Reiza’s way of programming.

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