AMS 2 & Modding - Your Thoughts?

You make some very good points, but total playerbase stats don't tell much of a story. You could argue that AC has been around much longer, so of course it would have a larger, loyal fan following. It also runs well on older systems, and has been pretty cheap to buy for some time now. If someone wants to get into sim racing and does some research, which sim are they probably going to find far more information on than any other which could easily sway their choice? AC. Few casual racers will own every title, so of course they are more likely to go with the "popular choice", even if that isn't necessarily the best one. Etc etc. The point is that there are many reasons a game can enjoy a higher playerbase than it's counterparts, and it's not all down to the amount of content and/or it's modability.

I know we players don't like data tracking systems (I definitely don't!), but if every sim had one I would love to see what people are actually doing in their sims. Are they all playing a wide range of classes and content in every sim they buy? Or is there a limited number of classes which people tend to gravitate to which accounts for the majority of the playerbase?

I think there's also a difference between a sim which is genuinely great, and one which is good and has more mass appeal.
Sure being lighter to run and being on the market longer help in some ways, and popularity often doesn't translate to quality(Transformer movies... coff), but i also have to point out that usually when Fifa 2021(or F1) comes out players migrate to that and the older title dies.
I'm inclined to believe that if we had gotten AC2 instead of ACC it would've taken a big chunk of the playerbase.

It would be interesting to know how AMS 2 has affected the AMS playerbase.
  • Deleted member 197115

It would be interesting to know how AMS 2 has affected the AMS playerbase.
Increased it?
i also have to point out that usually when Fifa 2021(or F1) comes out players migrate to that and the older title dies.
That's true of Fifa and other "yearly" sporting games sure, because players of those games like to have the latest players in their right teams. It might even be the case with some "official" sims, such as the F1 series, for the same reason. (I don't know.) But it's not necessarily the case for regular racing sims. I think we tend to be a more discerning bunch, paying a lot more attention to actual new features and improvements rather than just a bunch of new skins. :whistling:
Increased it?
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That is a surprise, it seems like some people started playing AMS in anticipation of the EA launch and has held steady since.

Can't quite understand why, since i already have more fun with 2 than with 1 and they share most content.
Can't quite understand why, since i already have more fun with 2 than with 1 and they share most content.
A lot of people are probably holding off until v1.0 is released, and have renewed interest in AMS and it's relatively unique content until then. Reiza have done their EA process very well indeed, but that's certainly not true of EA in general... I've been burned many times over the years!
That is a surprise, it seems like some people started playing AMS in anticipation of the EA launch and has held steady since.

Can't quite understand why, since i already have more fun with 2 than with 1 and they share most content.

If you look at the times when player numbers peak, it seems AMS2 has taken off with the European fans but the original AMS has taken off with the Brazillians. Its possible lockdown has affected Brazillians financially more than Europeans and they don't want to spend money on a new title. I'm pretty sure the AMS2 figures do not include those running the Beta.
A lot of people are probably holding off until v1.0 is released, and have renewed interest in AMS and it's relatively unique content until then. Reiza have done their EA process very well indeed, but that's certainly not true of EA in general... I've been burned many times over the years!

That's a good point.

However, i never paid much attention to the folks saying "this is PCars 2.5", just thought they were nuts and kept enjoying myself... now suddenly i'm a little worried on what the splits look like on players who are enjoying AMS2 and the ones that think it's a turd... it can affect the life span of the sim.

As i said i already enjoy AMS 2 more, i wasn't that much into the first game, but to those that think that was "perfection" might not enjoy 2.

If you look at the times when player numbers peak, it seems AMS2 has taken off with the European fans but the original AMS has taken off with the Brazillians. I'm pretty sure the AMS2 figures do not include those running the Beta.

Might have to do with quarantine here in Brazil then...
Not all AMS1 content is yet available in AMS2 and favorite mods will never be available in AMS2, so those are reasons not to uninstall AMS1. Other people will want the stability of less frequent updates that v1 brings (me, but I bought in to capture the discount when I saw the AI updates fall into place earlier than Reiza indicated would happen).

Overall, AMS2 has definitely not hurt AMS1 and I seriously doubt people not moving from AMS1 will hurt AMS2 sales/player count. Just like AMS1 fixed most all that was wrong with rF1, AMS2 is fixing most all that is wrong with PCARS2 (except inability to mod). When the new AMS2 content arrives, I expect you'll see some nice little bumps in the AMS2 userbase.
As far as I know, there aren't many lockdowns, if any at all, in Brazil.

Google Brazil in lockdown and there are lots of articles about Brazil being in lockdown.

Google Brazil in lockdown and there are lots of articles about Brazil being in lockdown.

Ugh, that's a bit embarassing. Got the actual situation mixed up with Bolsonaro's preferences, sorry.
  • Deleted member 197115

Reiza is virtual studio with devs all around the world, they don't have physical office.
London Team Meeting

One of the catalysts for the recent developments has been our team meetings in London - for those not aware Reiza doesn´t have a physical studio so devs work from their own location worldwide, and all team work is done remotely. This is suits us fine generally but we also find it productive and personally rewarding to get together once in a while to perform a few days of intense in loco team work.
If you look at the times when player numbers peak, it seems AMS2 has taken off with the European fans but the original AMS has taken off with the Brazillians. Its possible lockdown has affected Brazillians financially more than Europeans and they don't want to spend money on a new title. I'm pretty sure the AMS2 figures do not include those running the Beta.
Brazil is in a down route now... Each day goes by and our money has less value, for each dollar we are currently spending roughly 5.39 reais today.
I've bought AMS2 weeks ago and I've got a big surprise when I saw the price here.
Actually, we have a big financial crisis here.

I only bought the game because I was really interested in modding it and getting to simracing after years of Gran Turismo 2.

I feel sorry for you Paido:thumbsup:

But I have a question to others about comparing the car feeling in AMS2 with AMS1.
I have never had AMS1 but I cant really decide if I feel slightly disappointed with how the cars (mainly formulas) feels in AMS2.
Im not talking about FFB because I dont use it - but I think there is something wrong with how the cars feels just before and after they begin sliding.
Its slightly better (more realistic) than pCars2 - but not much.:whistling:

And now to my question.
How does AMS2 compare to AMS1?
Because quite honestly I dont feel there is much "dimensionality"/depth in the car behaviour in AMS2 when driving on the edge.
At least not for the years to come.:sneaky:
I feel sorry for you Paido:thumbsup:

But I have a question to others about comparing the car feeling in AMS2 with AMS1.
I have never had AMS1 but I cant really decide if I feel slightly disappointed with how the cars (mainly formulas) feels in AMS2.
Im not talking about FFB because I dont use it - but I think there is something wrong with how the cars feels just before and after they begin sliding.
Its slightly better (more realistic) than pCars2 - but not much.:whistling:

And now to my question.
How does AMS2 compare to AMS1?
Because quite honestly I dont feel there is much "dimensionality"/depth in the car behaviour in AMS2 when driving on the edge.
At least not for the years to come.:sneaky:

I have AMS1, driven it a fair amount(never loved it), never my most used sim (AC held that distinction during most of AMS life cycle).

In comparison i would say AMS1 Formulas are harder to catch than 2s, my feeling was in 1 when they stepped out they did it more aggressively, with 2 even the Formula Ultimate is catchable for me, plenty of warning>quick countersteer>pick the throttle back up.
As a result i have more fun driving 2, i feel like i'm really pushing, while 1 felt more like tip-toeing.
Obviously those are all "degrees", you can catch slides in 1 and can fail to catch the car in 2.

These are my honest thoughts, maybe a bit influenced by the fact that i never fully concentrated in AMS1... but it's what i can offer.
Thank you Leonardo - appreciated.:thumbsup:
I asked because when Im beginning to feel that AMS2 is (maybe) a bit too easy to catch (compared to mainly Raceroom and ACC) then I thought that because I have heard a lot of good things about AMS1 then this sim had/has maybe more "depth" in the save slide thing.
But obviously not.
But maybe its me that is too difficult to satisfy - because I did absolutely hate iRacings binary grip/no-grip behaviour as completely bullocks.

CatsAreTheWorstDogs: To show that Im not mandatory critical then some of the cars in Raceroom(like FR90) and 1 car in rF2(FR3.5) find a good compromise(IMO).:roflmao:
While i just killed my simracing street-cred by saying i prefer the "easier" game lol... for me AMS2 never broke the line this is just too easy/impossible to throw it off, if i get really aggressive both with my driving or with the setup there's a line where AMS2 tells me "too much buddy show some respect".

Quite similar to how i feel about Formulas in RF2, they give ample warning, they are catchable... but they still bite if you abuse them.
AMS1 was more RF1, grip, grip... gone.

I never went into RaceRoom, so...
While i just killed my simracing street-cred by saying i prefer the "easier" game lol...
Not with me you didn't. Personally I think those who believe a car must be "hard" to drive in order to be "realistic" are absolutely wrong. No, I'm not saying AMS 2 is the most "realistic" sim nor am I interested in a debate about which sim is. I'm simply saying that general "difficulty" in controlling a car is not a mark of whether or not it is like the real thing.

That's why I put very little stock in comments like "compared to [SIM X], this sim doesn't feel right" when debating realism. Who's to say which sim has it right and wrong? A real racing driver with actual real world experience of the cars involved probably could, but an armchair racer? No. Using another sim as a benchmark for "realism" is like saying Call of Duty isn't a realistic depiction of war because it's not like Ghost Recon. :O_o:
Not with me you didn't. Personally I think those who believe a car must be "hard" to drive in order to be "realistic" are absolutely wrong. No, I'm not saying AMS 2 is the most "realistic" sim nor am I interested in a debate about which sim is. I'm simply saying that general "difficulty" in controlling a car is not a mark of whether or not it is like the real thing.

That's why I put very little stock in comments like "compared to [SIM X], this sim doesn't feel right" when debating realism. Who's to say which sim has it right and wrong? A real racing driver with actual real world experience of the cars involved probably could, but an armchair racer? No. Using another sim as a benchmark for "realism" is like saying Call of Duty isn't a realistic depiction of war because it's not like Ghost Recon. :O_o:

off course a car more than 200 km is easy and allows to drift
off course a car more than 200 km is easy and allows to drift
If you're going to reply to a post, at least bother to take the time to read the whole thing, understand what it means, and write a proper response. Your constant whinging and whining about AMS 2 and those who dare to enjoy the sim is getting very, very old. Not once do you ever add anything constructive or worthwhile. It's just "Bash bash bash, anyone who likes the sims that I don't like is an idiot."

Change the record and learn how to use constructive criticism. Your other troll post has been deleted, as usual.

Oh, and this has been posted before but is quite relevant to your last comment:

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