AC Alfa Romeo GTA @ Feldbergring - Mon 16 Mar 2020

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Probably not gonna make it though :(
Girlfriend is in Namibia right now and I'm checking possible flightroutes etc right now. Gotta get her back before the next Monday before probably EVERYTHING will be closed...
Aw mate, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't feel like sim racing. That's awful news.
Good luck Rasmus, I really hope you can get her home in time.
Thanks for organizing and congrats to the podiums :thumbsup: Nice one Denis, glad to see someone beating the usual suspects.
From "yay 21 days extending the man cave to the full apartment, racing everyday" to "Worried all day, searching for solutions and not enjoying this at all" in just 5 days.
At least I had 2 nice races on Friday and Sunday :inlove:
Best of luck Rasmus, hope you're successful finding solutions for your situation :)
Thanks so much @Denis Betty for tonight's event, and congrats to the podium finishers - stunning lap times:O_o:

My apologies for missing the first race, the pedal frame part of my Playseat broke away (again:(). Found a strip of Velcro to hold it together for the 2nd race, felt wobbly, but amazed it held up:laugh:

Last comment, these tracks from @Fat-Alfie Alfie are simply amazing - just as challenging as The Ring but in bite size pieces:)

Edit: And if you wondered where I'd gone @HF2000 Han on the last lap, I found a concrete post I'd never seen before that stopped the car dead :roflmao: :laugh:
Thanks to everybody that raced this evening. I was always gonna enjoy this combo, but the standard of driving, the camaraderie, the atmosphere were all amazing. We seem to have a great bunch of like minded people atm, which makes it a pleasure to host events, so yeah... nice one. :)
Again an amazing combo! It is as the Alfa was designed for this track. And incredible lap times from the guys in front. During practice earlier this week I only managed a 1.53 low. So when I saw Denis, Chris, Axel and Ronnie doing 1.45s it was demoralizing but also a sign that I could go faster. In qually I already did a 1.51 low but in race 2 I even managed a 1.48 with quite steady lap times of 1.49! It's amazing how every time you can improve yourself again and again and that's why this is so rewarding and fun.

First race I had very nice battles with @Raresch who had similar pace and only small mistakes made the difference between us. I enjoyed that very much. i started second race quite relaxed:whistling: because I saw that @Medilloni should start last with a lot of drivers between us. So I was surprised and not amused that after lap 1 he was in the car behind me. My fears of him filling up my mirror were about to come true:speechless:. So I got stressed again which made me make a mistake that cost me about the 6s edge I had on him. The battle was on and was very intens (for me) and lasted until he hit something in the endless 180 turn in the last lap.
Big relieve and very glad to finish as the first mortal:) in this race!

Big thanks to all drivers and especially for @Denis Betty for organising :thumbsup:!

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