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Apps AC Head Physics v2.1.8

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If it is just about equilibrium position, what about binding the center vr button to something easy, so you can adjust on the fly. I have to do this anyway every time I sit down. I often do things like leaning back, centering, then relaxing to pull my vision where I want it.

Can I ask: what would be the feature you actually want, and how would you imagine the user interacting with it?

Note you may like to bind a key to "next desktop". You can have one desktop with apps showing for settings like eye position, and one for your race apps. This makes adjustments super quick.
Ok, so I will try to explain. When using the "onboard settings" app, you can control camera position, pitch and FOV. All these settings, except FOV, also take effect in VR. When you center your VR view, it uses this camera position as base - both the x, y and z position - and pitch. The reset VR view does not touch any of these values but uses them as the base position.

Try to look sky high while resetting VR view. The horizon will not change position, even without any horizon lock enabled. Hence the world will keep level at all times.

Then try to adjust the camera pitch. The horizon will move up or down, which should not be possible in VR - the world should always be level in a neutral setting, camera pitch value 0. Even when using NeckFX, which then allows a certain degree of pitch up and down from this defined level, based on physics and g-force influences.

So if the per car camera pitch value is set to anything else than 0, you can reset the VR view all day, but the world will not be level, it will be pitched upwards or downwards as defined in the per car camera settings. Set it to for example -5, and you will seemingly drive uphill all the time. And looking to the sides will be very disorienting. At low values it's not very prominent, but try setting the value to -14 and you will see what I mean.

Many cars have this value set to 0 by default, but many also have other values.

When horizon lock is enabled, the pitch value has no effect in VR, because the view is locked to the horizon.

So what I'm looking for is a way to lock this per car camera pitch value to 0, also when not using horizon lock.
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Ok, so I will try to explain. When using the "onboard settings" app, you can control camera position, pitch and FOV. All these settings, except FOV, also take effect in VR. When you center your VR view, it uses this camera position as base - both the x, y and z position - and pitch. The reset VR view does not touch any of these values but uses them as the base position.

Try to look sky high while resetting VR view. The horizon will not change position, even without any horizon lock enabled. Hence the world will keep level at all times.

Then try to adjust the camera pitch. The horizon will move up or down, which should not be possible in VR - the world should always be level in a neutral setting, camera pitch value 0. Even when using NeckFX, which then allows a certain degree of pitch up and down from this defined level, based on physics and g-force influences.

So if the per car camera pitch value is set to anything else than 0, you can reset the VR view all day, but the world will not be level, it will be pitched upwards or downwards as defined in the per car camera settings. Set it to for example -5, and you will seemingly drive uphill all the time. And looking to the sides will be very disorienting. At low values it's not very prominent, but try setting the value to -14 and you will see what I mean.

Many cars have this value set to 0 by default, but many also have other values.

When horizon lock is enabled, the pitch value has no effect in VR, because the view is locked to the horizon.

So what I'm looking for is a way to lock this per car camera pitch value to 0, also when not using horizon lock.
Okay I think I might be starting to see it. Would it be more ideal to have the "horizon lock" in ac-head-physics lock to the horizon plus the per-car pitch setting, rather than the true horizon? I think that might make more intuitive sense (though might be a little weird to implement; I will have to think about it).
Hey. I am trying to install this mod but I am unable to find the correct folder to extract it in to. I think this is because my PURE extension folder overrided the last one. Could you please tell me how to install.

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