2015 RD Touring Car Championship (Stock Car Extreme)

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We don't quite get it why people sign up for a league and sign out the first moment something goes wrong.

If he'd stayed in the series, as clearly stated when signing up, the incident would have been penalized with a 25 point deduction for the second offense.

However when signing out you aren't part of the series hence reports aren't handled anymore.

We are more than willing to go the extra mile on incident reviews but that commitment works both ways.
We don't quite get it why people sign up for a league and sign out the first moment something goes wrong.

If he'd stayed in the series, as clearly stated when signing up, the incident would have been penalized with a 25 point deduction for the second offense.

However when signing out you aren't part of the series hence reports aren't handled anymore.

We are more than willing to go the extra mile on incident reviews but that commitment works both ways.

Fair enough. Personally, I still see a problem with the offender(s) getting their way...

Anyway, you guys put a lot of time into this league already, so I understand the concern :thumbsup:
I must say this is starting to disappoint, as you are acting against the rules we accepted and respected. Nowhere does those say you have to stay in the league to have the incident reviewed and punished. He qualified to file the report and seek retorsion by all criteria. And neither does it say you have to be involved in an incident to file one. You are referring to points that are NOT laid down, which means your excuses are not valid.

Basically you're letting good guys down by not following the rules yourselves @Bram. How do you expect those that were reported to behave on track then?
Tal you retired, so your incident is taken as not there, as you are not an active participant of the league. It is in no way relevant for the continuation of the league.
I almost missed this, but let me point to the rulebook:

Racing League Regulations 2015/2016 - 7 Incidents said:
It may happen that rules get violated. In such cases it is up to the drivers to report the violation. The staff encourages this and will only investigate incidents that are reported by drivers.
You must always send the report with your own forum account. You can only send a report if you were actually in the race. Report from outsider will be not be considered. The staff will then investigate the incident. Incomplete reports will not be considered.

Reports must be sent within 24 hours of the finish of the race. Reports that come in too late might not be considered.
Please tell me where it says that you have to be on the next race to have an already reported incident evaluated.

And please, tell us all again that for all the guys that are here (despite all what happens on track without punishment) don't matter, that it's fine for you to loose fair drivers and let those responsible for accidents walk away, and to prevent the same accidents in the future is not relevant for you. It is so nice to hear...
I almost missed this, but let me point to the rulebook:

...and to prevent the same accidents in the future is not relevant for you. It is so nice to hear...

To be fair, that is also not what they're trying to say.
It is explicitly stated in the rules (cannot find the exact line right now) that the drivers that sign up are expected to commit to the league. I can understand the frustration if this commitment is not fulfilled, be the reason valid or not.
To be fair, that is also not what they're trying to say.
It is explicitly stated in the rules (cannot find the exact line right now) that the drivers that sign up are expected to commit to the league. I can understand the frustration if this commitment is not fulfilled, be the reason valid or not.
Was there an incident? Yes. Was it reported properly? Yes. Was it a major incident (25pts)? Yes.
That has nothing to do with the victim of abusion willing to queue up for another slap on the next race. There was a fault, and without consequences it will happen again, only with another victim. So yeah, staff basically says that the horrible driving standards of some are not their problem anymore. And they will be surprised if on the final round there will be only one server with a subpar wreckfest.

Regarding sign-offs and absences, I know which line you're looking for. So if that's irritating, why don't they point their frustration to those that never intended to be present on all races? How many of those we have? 20? Still can't accept being arrogant and egoistic towards participants that only wanted a fair competition with proper track behaviour and left due to staff not giving a crap about the obvious issues.

Absence said:
This is one of the most important parts of the league briefing you need to understand! When you are qualified to race in RDTCC S9 we expect you to be present during all the races. This commitment shows respect to the league, your fellow drivers and the organization.
What the.... after updating to W10, GSCE runs like crap for me. Its weird cus CS:GO works better than before but GSCE is horrible. I keep getting 25-30fps while previously it was always above 50fps( evident from my race highlights last week). Any clues as to why this is happening?
I was making a vid that clearly shows why I want to leave this league, but I didn't get to finish it in time before I left for Italy.

Anywho, sign me out for the remaining rounds.
Regarding sign-offs and absences, I know which line you're looking for. So if that's irritating, why don't they point their frustration to those that never intended to be present on all races? How many of those we have? 20? Still can't accept being arrogant and egoistic towards participants that only wanted a fair competition with proper track behaviour and left due to staff not giving a crap about the obvious issues.

We have done, and will in the future also refuse entry to leagues on past behavior, this can be everything from on-track madness, forum trolling or not showing up. So, signing up, then just leaving, no matter if you have done 0 or 1 race will have consequences, you might not see them, but they are there.

"left due to staff not giving a crap", well, that can't be you then, as you left before the penalty issue came...

I have no idea how much time the administrators of the league puts down in it, it is a lot, but the number, I have no idea of, it's nothing I deal with.
However, I know that we could easily spend 50+ hours on a single round in the Rally Championship here at RD (A team of 3 working on it), and when we spend that amount of time on each single round, it is extremely though on the motivation when people leave just as they see fit, and don't commit to a league. We put down insane amount of hours for free on RD, both homepage, forum etc. and servers, clubs & leagues. We do it because we like it, and we do it because we want people to have a place to race.

What we want in return, 4 cent EUR each day and commitment from the drivers.

What I expect from race pace in Server 1:

Leaders: 2.16 mid-highs - 2.17s lows.
Mid to back packs: 2.17 mid-lows.


Leaders: 2.15 highs-2.16 mid-highs.
Mid to back packs: 2.16 high - 2.17s all around.

I'm expecting to be in the mid-back sooooooooooooo yeah. Getting that prayer from Baby Jesus might help me.
We have done, and will in the future also refuse entry to leagues on past behavior, this can be everything from on-track madness, forum trolling or not showing up. So, signing up, then just leaving, no matter if you have done 0 or 1 race will have consequences, you might not see them, but they are there.

"left due to staff not giving a crap", well, that can't be you then, as you left before the penalty issue came...

I have no idea how much time the administrators of the league puts down in it, it is a lot, but the number, I have no idea of, it's nothing I deal with.
However, I know that we could easily spend 50+ hours on a single round in the Rally Championship here at RD (A team of 3 working on it), and when we spend that amount of time on each single round, it is extremely though on the motivation when people leave just as they see fit, and don't commit to a league. We put down insane amount of hours for free on RD, both homepage, forum etc. and servers, clubs & leagues. We do it because we like it, and we do it because we want people to have a place to race.

What we want in return, 4 cent EUR each day and commitment from the drivers.
You must be thinking of someone else, as I haven't left anything. I'm just pissed about the written rules being bent or overwritten by staff, while preparing for the next round.

BTW, I know what running a league is, as we do the same here in Hungary with a few good guys. So I might also have more insight in rules, incidents and organization than you think.
Bloody hell those laptimes
Btw how many laps of practise do you guys put? I people did a 80+ laps for the last round which is like the most I have ever done....
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