2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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  • Edward Leake

Problem with GPCOS site?

Hi guys, I signed up at GPCOS and activated my account but it still doesn't let me login.

Do I have to wait for someone on here or request to join?

Thanks in advance.
  • Edward Leake

Ah I see, thought it would be simple.

Hope they do it soon then. :)
  • Edward Leake

Waiting for someone to accept me as a single driver OR if any teams want a UK driver then let me know?
Thx all support this movie,
If my machine can do,i have time,i must made good job for the racing,

Now,my machine is this,
AMD Athlonx2 5000+
Inno3D 8800GTS 640MB (Driver is 175.19 )
ASUS M2N-E nforce 570
racing time

hi, i've looked at the schedule for the league and it doesn't mentionned in which time zone its set for so could anyone tell me what is the time at which the race is in GMT time.

thanks in advance :thumb:
  • Shane Thompson

Pre Qual explanation

How does this Pre Qual work? do yall start with the best times,and take all those people untill the times just get to slow? im just at a loss on how the process works. I read the PDF and what from i understood, the slowest do not get chosen.

Thanks in advance

  • Chris Noble

Yeah you can spend all next week Mondat - Thursday 17:00GMT doing laps on the pre-quali servers to set your best time.

You can click on the HotLaps link at the top of this page once pre-quali has started to see where you fit out of the people who have set timed laps.

then top 100 drivers go through into the points scoring servers with the rest still having a race, but they will not get any points towards the championship.

Hope that helps
  • Shane Thompson

Yeah you can spend all next week Mondat - Thursday 17:00GMT doing laps on the pre-quali servers to set your best time.

You can click on the HotLaps link at the top of this page once pre-quali has started to see where you fit out of the people who have set timed laps.

then top 100 drivers go through into the points scoring servers with the rest still having a race, but they will not get any points towards the championship.

Hope that helps

Thanks , i like that system. allways sucks having to race abuncha aliens.
Yeah you can spend all next week Mondat - Thursday 17:00GMT doing laps on the pre-quali servers to set your best time.

You can click on the HotLaps link at the top of this page once pre-quali has started to see where you fit out of the people who have set timed laps.

then top 100 drivers go through into the points scoring servers with the rest still having a race, but they will not get any points towards the championship.

Hope that helps

The HotLaps link is for accessing our 24/7 hotlap stats :)
But you are partly right. From that page you will see the WTCC Pre-Qualify link in the top menu. Have fun!
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