2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Think you guys had a lot to do this time...

But there is especially one issue that confuses me a little. And yes..it was me sending all those cutting incidents. And I'm aware of that the Race Directors decisions are final.

From the briefing from round 1:
WARNING! Cutting the track!
...From next race on, reported drivers will be checked. If they cut the track in their fastest lap, they will receive time penalty. We can check both pre-qualification and race events!

It was also pointed out before round 2 that driving in the grass was not allowed. Well, obvious some drivers didn't stick to that rule at all and sort of got away with it.

So what should I do? Keep following the rules and sometimes lose a few places and just be happy or try to bend the rules when it's most suitable? I guess everyone can afford a warning. In this particular case I was a lot slower than both these drivers and I guess that only a small time penalty wouldn't give me any extra points. No fishing for points and I don't dislike those 2 drivers at all. Just want to know if there will be a little more sticking to the rules from the race directors in the future. Anyway, I will hold on to my policy and keep avoiding the grass, but of course there will be accidents from me too I guess :(

Still think you race admins are doing a fantastic job but I suppose you never want me as judge. ;)
First of all thanks for all the help.

For the issue at hand, whoever gets a general warning like this time Ludwig and Daniel recieved, next breaching of rules results in DQ from the following round, see Pirro Chun. I think thats serious enough.
  • Jacek Kozlowski


You guyes are doing amazing job.Checking all 4 groups very carfully and reporting every single incident its not easy thing to do.THANKS FOR YOUR GREAT WORK GUYES.Im really happy that im a member of RD community.:alla::alla::alla:
  • Mehmet Arslan

Thanks RD Staff, u do a good job and i think its good when people get what they deserve :).
Going to struggle I think, I am sure that when I get a car I'm happy with I can get a low 1:48.
Hopefully the Pre-Qual server opens up early tonight so I can get some laps in because I really want to do some driving :)
  • Jacek Kozlowski

I hate to admit but with FF(g25) off and centering spring on 135-145% im 0.5sec. quicker at Zandvoort.I really like FF and i think ill turn it off just for prequali-maybe i can get to first 100.In the race i will put it ON.My time in TA is 1.48.800(with FF off). Jacek Kozlowski
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