rF2 1.2 hours @ Le Mans - Fri 03 June 2022 *June Cup Race 1*

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
RF2 is being it's usual helpful self and constantly crashing to desktop. I will join if I can.
Sorry I dropped out. User error. I got a cut penalty coming wide out of Tertre Rouge and came in for a drive through, but it didn't register for some reason so I hit the PTT to ask why that might be and unfortunately the button was also mapped to 'Neutral' - I might have recovered if I realised what was going on but it didn't properly register and I hit upshift part way down the mulsanne :whistling:

To be honest I was expecting a few teething issues, so it's all good and I'll hopefully be a bit better prepared for the next event! :thumbsup:
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Thanks for that event! Le Mans and LMP2 is probably my favorite combo ever. First time on rF though.
Pretty happy about my pace, a lot less by the podium I screwed up spinning twice in the Porsche curves and getting a DT after a splash refuel :(. Good job P3, I’m guessing you were fuel saving like a madman, I need maybe 2-3 more corners to catch you.

Only thing missing was a couple LMP3 :D.

Thanks guys!
And another one for the bin. Had it unter control behind the aliens pretty well constantly extending the gap behind when of course I had to catch a DT just before my pit stop. And if that wasn't enough serving it I got another one for speeding in the pits :mad: :mad: :mad: . Served it, pitted the lap after and was still leading but after the third time in the pits @Oliver Bunz had me. P2 but not happy.
Grats Oliver, well done, great drive!
Thanks for that event! Le Mans and LMP2 is probably my favorite combo ever. First time on rF though.
Pretty happy about my pace, a lot less by the podium I screwed up spinning twice in the Porsche curves and getting a DT after a splash refuel :(. Good job P3, I’m guessing you were fuel saving like a madman, I need maybe 2-3 more corners to catch you.

Only thing missing was a couple LMP3 :D.

Thanks guys!
Yes after the stop ,I switched to the race lean fuel mode , and the last 22 minutes even to safety car fuel mode , and could soo finish with only 1 stop ,and 1,2 liters fuel rest on P3.
It was a pure Poker strategy , 2 corners more and you would have overtaken me :) .
When I qualified 4th, only half a sec from pole, I knew we were in for a close race.

For the first stint, I was right. Marc had ever so slightly more pace than me and Magnus it seemed but we managed to keep up because of the draft and traffic.
After the first pitstop I lost 2 secs to Magnus and while trying to catch that back up and get back in the draft, I spun at Indy at what felt like 300mph.
Recovered, found 4 flatspotted tires and the worst wheel shake ever. I swear, down the straight I could see my rig vibrating. It may be realistic, but holy sh't.
Continued to make many small errors from the extreme vibration, but once Magnus had his stop, I thought to myself "that was a long stop, I may be in for a chance here".
Pitted myself for a splash'n'dash and came out just under 10 secs ahead. From there I just made sure to keep it on track for the win :)
Results are up!
Remember, if you click "races" you can see all kinds of stats from the races! https://ommyrvold.net/rdrf2/june_cup.html


All time stats: https://ommyrvold.net/rdrf2/all_time_stats.html
Sorry I wasn't there at the end, lost connection and discord voice with 1 lap to go.

Thanks again Ole for putting these on, I'll hopefully jump back into rf2 in the future but after the 24 this weekend I'll definitely be taking a nice long break and spend some time in the magnitude of other Sims we have available, it's a good time to be a Sim racer!
We're off to Le Mans on Thursday, so having the chance to race Le Sarthe before we go was fantastic. I was having a great battle with Dastan for most of the race until I served a DT and he unfortunately disconnected.
Great event, thanks for hosting.

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