How Long Have You Been Sim Racing?


How Long Have You Been Sim Racing?

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I've been asking myself this question. There are so many sim racers here on RaceDepartment. So many different levels of experience are present. So tell us a bit about yourself and your history! How long have you been sim racing?

And to break the ice: let me start with my relatively recent story.

It all started in a dreaded year. We now look back at it in disdain as one of the worst years in recent history:

Welcome back to 2020.​

The start of the pandemic forced many people to stay inside their homes. And therefore, all outgoing people suddenly had to find something to do at home. I was not one of those, rather, I had been a gamer for years. Add to that my previous interest in racing, and you have the great combination of some games lying dormant in my Steam library.

One of those games was Project CARS 2, which I had bought at some point or another in the past, but hadn't enjoyed with my trusty gamepad. I thought of booting it up again, but then read that playing it with a wheel and pedals would be the wisest decision.

I immediately knew what to do because in the past I had read of Logitech wheels being sold 2nd hand on a local platform. However, for the first time looking at such a product, I had money to spare. So I thought to myself: "Screw it, I'm going all in and buying a new Logitech G920!"

My First Wheel Led to Massive Enjoyment​

And boy, did I have an amazing time! I ground the leaderboard of Brno with my trusty Honda NSX GT3.

Why Brno? I had been going there live for over 10 years to watch MotoGP.
Why the NSX? I just happen to like how it looks, to be honest.

This was such an exciting time for me. At some point I gathered all of my courage and started racing online. Now that was ... more of a 50/50 chance of having a good time. But the one memory that still sticks with me is my first-ever online victory!

It was Suzuka, or Sakkito as Project CARS 2 called it, GT3s and variable weather. With my trusty NSX, I qualified not too well, but after some happenings in the first lap, I was in the top 5. After some great battles, it suddenly started raining. And this is where the magic came in. I happened to choose my pit stop so wisely and perfectly that I immediately made up 2 positions. The top 2 at that time tried running their previous tyres to the end, leading to me catching up lap by lap, corner by corner. Half a lap before the end I finally managed to claw in P1 for my first ever online victory.

But then I Graduated ... To League Racing and ACC​

Fuelled by hype from this success and other good races, I started looking for beginner leagues. I found a promising one on Reddit, with which I spent quite some time before once again switching sims to RaceRoom and founding my own racing community based on that. At some point here, I had also switched to an entry-level DD wheel which I race to this day.

This community has, in the meanwhile, switched to ACC (based on community wishes), and continues to run strongly.

Think of that what you want, to this day, I mainly race on ACC and RaceRoom. And think of THIS what you want, but my favourite category to race is GT3s, no matter the sim.

So, soon I will have raced for only 3 years. Still, these 3 years have been filled with so much excitement, so many buddies I have met online, and so many good memories. I grew to love sim racing and probably won't ever look back.

Now It's Time for You to Tell Your Story!​

Sometimes it's really nice to reminisce and think about what made you the person you are now. I wholeheartedly invite you also to share your story with sim racing. How you started, how you evolved and where you are now.

Feel free to share your story as in-depth or as vague as you want. I can't wait to hear your guys' stories.

So, how long have you been sim racing? Please, let us know in the comments down below!

Ps.: Thank you very much to @AlbertGeorge for allowing me to use their magnificent screenshot for this article.
About author
Julian Strasser
Motorsports and Maker-stuff enthusiast. Part time jack-of-all-trades. Owner of, a sim racing-related service provider and its racing community.


I forgot--this was my first racing sim:


Sad to say, but it simulated damage better than many of today's titles!
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Other than some casual gameplay at my Commodore 64 as a kid, my real journey started in 2003, with the PC demo of Colin McRae Rally 3 and NASCAR Racing 2003 Season, using only keyboard. I bought my 1st steering wheel in 2005, a crappy no-name non-FFB wheel, then I got a Saitek R440, then finally upgraded to my 1st (then) high-end wheel, the Logitech G25 (back in the days, when many people put 'G25' in their online nick name, only to flex with it - not me :)).
My most loved and played sims were GTR2, Netkar Pro, Live for Speed and Richard Burns Rally but I tried out every single sim from 2005. Shocking thing is that even after 20 years I still play NR2003 quite regularly.
For me my real start was when I finally got a ffb wheel with Race 07 and it's expansions. That and nogripracing took me down the rabbit hole, discovering GTR 2, GT legends, GPL and RBR. In particular various club races hosted on that site are what got me hooked. That and the feeling of being in control of a car the likes of which I couldn't dream to afford at the time.

The love of racing games started earlier though with arcades and games like Gran Turismo 1, 2, and 3, as well as a PC version of NFS Porsche Unleashed, and some other arcade/simcade titles.

I have always been fascinated by cars, racing and to some extent the mechanical engineering behind these beauties. Sim racing in my opinion is the ultimate 'car guy/car gal' hobby. To put the time and money into a hobby just to get as close as we can dream to the real thing is a bit romantic in my eyes.

Edit: I forgot to add. Race 07 got me hooked with the demo of all things. Trying to master whatever circuit was in the demo with a keyboard is what pushed me to buying a wheel. I have simbin to thank for my love of this hobby.
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BBC REVS for me too. I think I knew it was coming out, and there it was at a computer show ... but so was, hmm, some other racing game that "looked" similar...

Imagine if I'd chosen the other one! I'd probably have a wife or something.
Started with GT2 when I must have been around 5 or 6? First time I used a wheel was with GT4, I don't remember the model but it had no FFB just vibration and it was blue-ish. The shifter paddles broke IIRC so I got a new steering wheel compatible with PC bundled with TDU (awesome times), also non-FFB. I really liked playing Shift 2 as well, but I already had GTR, GTR2, tried rFactor, etc. at the time with not much luck and enjoyment. Also really liked rally sims/games like Rally Championship Xtreme, somehow RBR avoided me until this day. It was when I got my first FFB wheel, the Thrustmaster Rally GT (probably 2012) when I truly understood what a sim feels like compared to say Shift 2 I really loved before it. Could not go back... AC was probably the most hype I ever felt in simracing and I knew that my 270 degree rotation wheel won't cut it based in the tech demo so I got a G27. After the annoying rumbling a reliability issues (optical encoder broke, pedal pots) I moved to the T300 in 2015 which is still going strong *knocks on wood*.
Myself I've never counted very simple console games of late 70ies/start 80ies as 'sims'.
Otherwise it would've been 1979 in 1st grade a girl having - and don't remember til title - a very simple console including wheel (no FFB) and stick for gas/brake and embedded geaphics.
And soon after various pocket games.

I regard my first 'sim' as Sped King for C64.
That was in 1985 and ever since the addiction for simracing has just gone from bad to severely worse down the whirlpool drain.

And my first 'real sim' I without a question regard as Geoff Crammond's "Grand Prix 2" in 1996.
And soon after GP2 release participating in my first online series, this as GP2 'results upload' series variation of LFRS (Little Formula Racing Series), my last year at university having optic internet for free. LFRS was HUGE by that time, and had some years enjoying LFRS with GP2, in fact that the newer releases GP3 and GP4 just became cozy sidenodes to me before EA's bids (once upon a time EA was good) of the ISI engine with their forumla series and in the end pinnacle; F1 Challenge 99-02 of which delivered really, really well speaking large database of different car mods and society of track mods was there too, which fitted me well as a track hunter for decades already by then.

Ok, had my intermezzoes during 1991-1993 and then again in 2005 when I all of a sudden got real stuck like hitting a wall, this while participating the Formula SimRacing series (based on F1C99-02 RH mods) on a serious scale, unfortunatly it became stressfull and not the joy simracing had always been to me) until days after the GTR2 release.

And haven't really pitted in nor looked in the mirrors since.

Maybe due to I've always been the 'collector' type of guy and doesn't totally leave a sim just because there are newer horizons, resulting in just yet one more sim title to race.
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Lol, the thread grew fast. Did someone mention this one yet?

My first sim. The joy of tweaking dozens of setup options and trying the results got me hooked up to this day.

As someone mentioned, only keyboard inputs. It was so difficult that just finishing an Indy 500 became a dream that I could only properly fulfill many years later in iRacing.

Now please excuse me, I have a NASCAR setup to tweak for the next Daytona 500. :D
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..., then I got a Saitek R440, then finally upgraded to my 1st (then) high-end wheel, the Logitech G25, ...
that Saitek was really good, but the step up to Logitech (in my case the G27) was epic. I used the Thustmaster Rally in between, so it really was one step at a time.
As with a few here, I started before sim-racing was even sim-racing, My start was with Pole Position on the Atari console in 82/83, and then it went up a gear with Indy 500 on the Amiga (and drove with a mouse).

Still crap though.
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Grand Prix 1 with the Commodore Amiga version (Amiga version had RAIN. Are you listening iRacing?) Then came GP2 (awesome till today), a brief pass by GP3 and then GP4. And I still must say, GP2 and maybe GP4 are in the top ten F1 racing games.
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I think my first sim racing experience was with GP2 and first racing wheel was a Guillemot Force Feedback Racing Wheel.
I started with Viper Racing and Sega Rally 2 in the early 2000s when I was a little kid. My father used to play on pc with a steering wheel that time, so that was the main reason why I started too young.
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I started my sim racing with Microprose Grand Prix in 1991. Closely followed by Indycar racing and never looked back or stopped. I built my first PC in 1991 too. Although I had come up with the C64 and Atari ST and Amiga's before that.

I was really into modded versions of GTR2 and F1 99-02 too.

I have dabbled with online Nascar Racing with V8 THunder and I-Racing. I have dabbled with RaceDepartment race clubs ( how I miss the Race 07, Raceroom and AMS raceclubs here on RD). But mostly I do single player offline in all my race sims. I still have NR2003 (heavily modded), RF2, AMS, Grand Prix 4 (heavily modded), Richard Burns Rally (heavily modded) and Dirt Rally together with more modern sims like AMS 2, ACC and AC still installed.
I also love Formula 1, so other than GP4 I also have F1 2019 currently installed.

But I get my main fix for sim racing from NR2003 still. I love it.

nascar crash.jpg



I also remember buying Microprose GP500 and over the years I modded that too. Probably still is the best motorcycle race sim.




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And I still have Microprose GP4 installed on my new new PC now. Love it.


I made this video years and years ago using an old phone to record. It is a mod with Murray Walker commentary that I used to use.
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Julian Strasser
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