Fanatec Parent Company Endor Files For Insolvency

Image: Endor AG
One of the biggest sim racing hardware manufacturers is filing for insolvency: Endor AG, the parent company of Fanatec, now took this step. Corsair is out as a strategic investor.

The drama surrounding Fanatec and its parent company Endor AG continues. After its founder Thomas Jackermeier was ousted as CEO earlier this year, the plan was for the company to revitalize itself via the StaRUG procedure, with US hardware giant Corsair acting as a strategic investor to provide bridge financing. Once Endor would be financially stable again, Corsair intended to take over the company.

More recently, rumors about suppliers going on strike appeared, and a Extraordinary General Meeting was authorized to be held by two shareholders by the Local Court of Landshut. The purpose of this meeting, among other things, would be to withdraw confidence form the current Management Board.

According to the latest press release of Endor AG, this led to the original plan not being carried out: "The reason for this was the request by the former CEO and majority shareholder to convene an extraordinary general meeting in order to prevent a reorganisation under the StaRUG without presenting a viable alternative scenario." Currently, Endor is facing liabilities of €95 million, according to the press release.

StaRUG Procedure Fails​

The mention of "the former CEO" points in the direction of Jackermeier being one of the shareholders calling for the Extraordinary General Meeting. However, the ruling in favor of the meeting was not the only reason on the StaRUG plan falling apart, according to the press release:

"At the same time, negotiations with the majority shareholder on a financial reorganisation involving all shareholders have been taking place in recent weeks. However, these negotiations had to be broken off without result due to unrealistic demands."

As a result of these "ongoing disruptions", Corsair decided not to make additional payments. The company has received several design trademarks of Fanatec products as "collateral against the loans", as Corsair told OverTake when queried about the reason for the trademarks changing hands. At the time of writing this article, these trademarks are still with Corsair.


Render of a Porsche Vision GT sim racing wheel included in the patent filing currently owned by Corsair. Image: Fanatec/Corsair/DPMA

Whether or not they stay with the company, Corsair might not be out of the frame entirely after all. The press release informing about the insolvency filing also contains the following paragraph:

"The Management Board is confident that the company will be taken over by an investor in the course of the insolvency proceedings; at the same time, the Management Board assumes that CORSAIR is still interested in acquiring Endor AG."

"Numerous Wrong Decisions In Recent Years"​

The current Management Board also highlighted that it "sees the reasons for the massive corporate crisis in numerous wrong management decisions in recent years. Examples include the oversized construction of the new company headquarters, miscalculated chip and merchandise orders that led to high write-downs and failures to introduce processes and systems worth millions."

Andres Ruff, who succeeded Jackermeier as Endor CEO, adds: "We would like to thank our customers, employees and business partners for their trust and support over the past months. As part of the insolvency proceedings, we will continue the restructuring and work at full speed to reorganise the company. We are confident that we will emerge stronger from this situation and return to a sustainable, profitable growth path."

What changes for sim racers now?​

All business background aside, what does this mean for sim racers? The press release adresses this as well, stating that "business operations will continue." While takeover processes continue in the background, day-to-day operations including "sales and warranty repair services will continue without restriction, and customers will continue to receive driver and software updates."

What are your thoughts on Endor AG filing for bankruptcy? Let us know on Twitter @OverTake_gg or in the comments below!
About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


If I would be in some big brans which wants to go the pro simracing hardware I would probably acquire both and go for a sim rig with recaro and fanatec stuff on it even if rebranded...

I much would cost for Corsair, Logitech or else acquire their knowledge and workmanship?
Agree. They are strong brands, a collab would be amazing and will probably push sales quite a bit.
As for Fanatec, I also read that Corsair stop pumping money into the business in order to buy off the company at a cheaper price then what the Endor board was asking.
I'm inclined to disagree with you here. I honestly think that Cosair went in with the best of *business" intentions to acquire and rescue a respected brand.

However the sheer f'ckwittery that's been displayed by both Jackermeier and the board over the intervening months, not to mention the continued shipping and RMA issues, have damaged the brand significantly.

Corsair holds certain Fanatec IP and trademarks as collateral against the loans initially provided. I think that they think that possibly the IP, and quite probably the trademarks are now potentially worth a lot less given the damage the brand has endured throughout this debacle. Hence their interest in acquiring Fanatec as a going concern has probably waned significantly.
I hope people aren't gullible enough to believe business will go on as usual for them when they have no cash flow to pay suppliers for parts to honour warranty let alone manufacture products for new orders, or if they'll even have the ability to pay their employees and retain them to fix and assemble your stuff. Apply some logic here, If you were an employee at Fanatec, you'd be updating your linkedIn profile and putting in your 1 week notice the moment you find another job to hop to right now.

Corporations lie all the time, don't be the dumbass that falls into the obvious pit.

As for Corsair, really don't count of them coming to the rescue. They may just wait until Fanatec is officially sunk to simply purchase the trademark and the IPs so they don't have to honour any previous obligations. Because they walked away for a reason, they clearly saw something they seriously didn't like.
This is sad news, Fanatec was a great company at one stage. I've had nothing but good experiences with my Fanatec gear, even my interactions with customer support where prompt and sorted my issues. Although it's been a while since I've had any interactions.

My Clubsport CSW 2.5, McLaren and BMW wheels, and V3 peddles are still working.

Fanatec seemed to have the upper mid/affordable gear end of the market won for themselves. They weren't the best, but they didn't need to be, and they were far from the worst.
It still seems like a brand worth saving. Although, like everything that gets consumed by investors, it will probably have the soul sucked out of it, while they try to pass off junk as premium, to make money for shareholders.
Agreed. All my gear from them runs like clock work. Never missed a beat and it's over 5 years old now. Maybe quality control went down hill after COVID, but it's been nothing but sweetness and light!
Weird thing, I now only a little about this Fanatec case. This leaves room for other makers like Simucube. I didn't even know about Simucube when I went for DD1. I hope more market share for European manufacturers.

(Now I'm drooling for Simucube ActivePedals)
Agreed. All my gear from them runs like clock work. Never missed a beat and it's over 5 years old now. Maybe quality control went down hill after COVID, but it's been nothing but sweetness and light!
Same here. I've ordered four times from Fanatec since 2020 and everything arrived on time, as advertised and works like a charm. It seems that the people who were burned by the company ordered from its European shop, but my stuff came from its California location and I have nothing but good things to say about that company.

This is why I'm thinking that an investor should buy the company when it's in insolvency: the name Fanatec is well established and it has a solid tech base. It is well integrated into the sim racing ecosystem, with most sim titles having presets for its different wheelbases.
I had some very bad experience with fanatec customer service, but my CSL DD always worked flawless.

If they really go under I hope they at least make their driver open source so the community can keep the drivers up to date for coming sim titles.

Potentially losing warranty is bad enough, but when products people bought in the past stop working because of driver issues it would be even worse.
If they really go under I hope they at least make their driver open source so the community can keep the drivers up to date for coming sim titles.
Such things don't happen in the industry. If they go under someone will end up with their IP. But to try to make money out of it, not to give it back to the community. Best case scenario they'll continue updating it. Worse case scenario it'll end up in the digital storage waiting for better times.

So don't keep your hopes up for any open sourcing of the drivers. Good thing though you don't need the drivers to be updated for the wheel to work with new titles.
It seems there is a lot going on in the sim industry since covid, its like these companies/ have forgotten how to operate and are relying on consumer's to pay for their mistakes and keep supporting them. Even laying off staff. If you look around you will see a lot of other companies /corporations in all industries failing as well, have they all got covid fog ? i be careful where i spend my money now especially when times are tough.
Sounds like jackermeier is a real trouble maker, should not be a surprise seeing as he has run his own business into the ground.

Two things from the Fanatec company statement above piqued my interest,
1. The "financial challenges", no I think that is meant to read the "financial mismanagement",
2. "our customer support remains fully operational", really? You haven't had customer support in years, if fanatec see the current situation as having custimer support then God help any fanatec customers when the customer support is not fully operational!
Wayyyy to much money. That's nearly double my proposed budget. I'm looking at less than a grand like the moza r9 bundle and mclaren fanatec bundle

Asetek La Prima - $ 1,282.49
Moza R9 bundle is - $819.00
Have you factored in the shipping fees? Not sure what it's like in your country but add it to cart and then go to check out, in the UK it costs £150 to ship, which then brought the cost of the bundle more in line with the Fanatec bundle I had also been looking at.
Real question...

Should I avoid Fanatec McLaren 8nm Setup and go for the Moza R9 v2 instead? I keep seeing a lot about Fanatec and I'm in the process of saving as well..
You have time to wait and see while you save. But I would stay away from Fanatec for the time being. Simagic would be my preferred option, but I understand it's more expensive too.
Sad on many levels. Shocking how such a large and industry leading company can fail like this. Extreme weak management.
Sounds like jackermeier is a real trouble maker, should not be a surprise seeing as he has run his own business into the ground.

Two things from the Fanatec company statement above piqued my interest,
1. The "financial challenges", no I think that is meant to read the "financial mismanagement",
2. "our customer support remains fully operational", really? You haven't had customer support in years, if fanatec see the current situation as having custimer support then God help any fanatec customers when the customer support is not fully operational!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Every time I've dealt with Fanatec, everything went very well, probably because I'm Canadian and I deal with its North American branch. I'm fully aware that customers in other areas have not had the same experiences as me, but Fanatec was not entirely bad, as too many people on this board say.
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well, even in the very early days my experience with Fanatec wasn't great. I bought a CSW wheel base (The original) and pedals. There was some issue with it day 1 (can't exactly remember what but needed some board change). Anyway, every time you contact support they had some reason that they couldn't do anything until you gave them something. You provide it, you just get the next excuse. A video for everything when a video did nothing better than the simple description had already provided.

In the end I felt I was getting nowhere fast. I vented my frustration on the Project Cars WMD forum (The original). Luckily some moderator there (Remco) had some connection with Fanatec. He took up the mantle for me and ask for info (no video required). Low and behold, I get some support guy then email me and tell me I need a new board and it is being sent. Without Remco, I'd probably still be sitting here waiting 10 years later.

Having said all that.. I have to say, its been working fine ever since then (I dunno, 10+ years)? All I have done since then is open up the base to clean the calibration wheel of dust once calibration started to drift. Touch wood, but its been reliable ever since. I really haven't felt the need to change it since, and in all honesty , after having the initial bad taste of support , don't want to deal with returns if they are ever required from Australia.
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At the start of 2021, Fanatec and Jackermeier were on top of the world.

Because of the Pandemic, sim racing sales skyrocketed and both the share price and Jackermeier's personal fortune were riding high based on his 47% share holding.

Jackermeier buys an extra 3% of Endor AG and price immediately jumps another 40%.

However, with great power comes great responsibility, and perhaps this was the start of the downfall, with costly business decisions such as becoming the title sponsor GT World Challenge in Europe, America, Asia and Australia, building a new headquarters, extensive marketing & other sponsorships etc, without investing in the infrastructure to support it.

Endor AG bet the strong sim racing market would to continue at pandemic pace, which it did not.
Endor AG bet the strong sim racing market would to continue at pandemic pace, which it did not.

They weren't alone either, a lot of companies over extended themselves seeing a boom period which didn't exist...

As much as there's a lot of people that have extra time and money to spend on this hobby, the majority of gamers don't... And gamers are already a step above the majority who can't even play a video game...

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Yannik Haustein
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3 min read
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